Bastet said:
what does harmonium mean????
har-mo-ni|um n. [Fr: so named by A. F. Debain (1809-77), Fr organ maker <
harmonie, HARMONY] a small kind of reed organ
reed n. [ME
rede < OE
hreod, akin to OHG
hriot < IE base
*kreut-, to shake, tremble]
1 a) any of various tall, slender grasses (esp. genus
Phragmites), with plumelike inflorescences, growing in wet or marshy land
b) the stem of any of these grasses
c) such plants or stems collectively, specif. as material for thatching, basketwork, etc.
2 a rustic musical instrument made from a hollow stem or stalk and played by blowing through it
3 an ancient Hebrew unit of linear measure equal to 6 cubits: Ezek: 40:3
4 a device on a loom, by means of which threads are drawn between the separated threads of the warp
5 [Old Poet.] an arrow
6 Archit. a small, rounded molding; reeding
7 Music a) a thin strip of some flexible substance, as cane, placed against the opening of the mouthpiece of certain wind instruments, as the clarinet, so as to leave a narrow opening: when vibrated by the breath, it produces a musical tone
b) an instrument with a reed or reeds
c) in some organs, a similar device that vibrates in a current of air
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Vibration is the key it seems