What should the new album have?

Syd Sabbath

Son of Al Capone
Apr 11, 2004
Like, what do you hope they have in their next full-length CD? For example, any changes in style, song format, or whatever, man!

Me, I f-n hope that Roope and Alexi get some guitar solo duels in there, at LEAST one of 'em! And I hope they do Red Light In My Eyes III (even though that was originally Bed of Razors)

Also, I hope they have at least one extremely long, intricately complex song like In the Shadows.

Finally, the Reaper BETTER be on the cover. And I think the color scheme should be Black and Gold,...Imagine how cool the logo would look.

Dammit, whatever they do is perfect just they way it is, but this stuff would rule anyways.

...Oh and one song with clean vocals (for all the girls out there, you know you wanna hear it!)
Hey, there was Rebel Yell with clean vox! :D

Well, to me, as long as the album's them doing what they want to do, and what they are feeling, it'll be a Bodom album to me. To me, even tho each album does have it's slight different feel if ya will; the band's always to me seemed like they just did their thing, what they felt and it always turned out cool. :)
I hope the go back to neo-classical like on Hatebreeder. Other than that I dont really care because I know whatever they do will be sick. For some reason I dont worry about Bodom putting out a bad album. :headbang:
i want it agressive like hcdr but no wah wah solos! and i want roope to play solos along with em..

abou the cover, i want it to be trashy and dirty!
I want something a bit like dragonforce when it comes to guitars.

Fast, frantic and fucking jawsmashing Shred solos :D

Vocals, Same old, Cant change them.

Drums, Faster but alas, the same.

Bass, I agree withwhoever said, get some slap bass in there.

Synth. A bit more epic/Rhapsody style but a cunt of a lot more solos :D

and yes, solo battles :D
i like the fuck you style of hcd, but overall i think hatebreeder had the most meorable solos..

more adrenaline song than on hatecrew! i need songs like hatebreeder, hatecrew deathroll etc
needled, hermans good. but his style is very different from the way alexi plays! herman in dragonforce and alexi in bodom!
Thrash metal carnage. Less melodies but still the old solo stuff. Roope shouldn't play solos but become the ultimate riffing machine.

Edit : doh