what song are you currently addicted to?

A couple more now that I've got iTunees up:

Aborym - With No Human Intervention
Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia
Pentagram - Broken Vows
Sethery - Demons Spoke the Lullaby
Not currently addicted to anything. Just been jumping from song to song, heard it all before, but still enjoy it. I did download the entire discography of My Dying Bride. It may take awhile.
I'm basically addicted to the whole new album by Zombie Girl which I just downloaded an hour ago, uber catchy and possibly best album I've heard all year...I've also been into Cinema Strange, London After Midnight, and God Module. Of course I am always listening to metal every day, but I haven't really been "into" anything metal for while now, just nothing excellent has come out lately.
Diablo Swing Orchestra - Poetic Pitbull Revolution
Aghora - Moksha
Negura Bunget - Hora Soarelui
Katatonia - July
Every song from Arkhon Infaustus "Orthodoxyn" album. Seriously this album is perfect. Definitly 10/10. :kickass:
Pro-pain - Beyond The Pale (guest vocals by Matthew Bizilia from Icarus Witch)

W.A.S.P - Heaven Hung In Black
I've been listening to Nokturnal Mortum like crazy lately. Not any one song in particular but all of their albums.