what song are you currently addicted to?

Black Sabbath's "Tomorrow's Dream" has been running through my head non-stop for the past couple of years.

I rarely play it. I don't need to. It lives in my head.
This is the best post I've ever seen.

Currently addicted to The Melvins. If I have to throw a song out there...um...'The Bit'!
Amon Amarth- Runes to my Memory, possibly one of the greatest sing along choruses in all metal.

I didn't listen to it yet but I heard Cry Of The Blackbirds and loved it.

Anyways right now I'm addicted to Weakling - Cut Their Brains And Place Fire Therein. Weakling released the best album of the year 2000 without a doubt, too bad they only came out with one album.