what song are you currently addicted to?

Doctrinal Expletives - carcass fuckin owns, i think krisiun's last album had a song with almost the same riffs as this one.
1349 - Nathicana (Saw them Sunday night and they played this song to perfection, gave me chills)

Mayhem - Buried by time and dust (just getting' into them. I'm trying to listen to other stuff but I can’t stop playing this song.)

Celtic Frost - The usurper (reminds me of Venom.)
Oh well, Maybe you can catch Emperor or Immortal on their U.S tour coming up.

Agalloch - Limbs ( song will not leave me ALONE! )

Same here. I must have listened to that song falling snow and not unlike the waves more than any songs in atleast a month.

Lately Fire Above, Ice Below is really catching my attention. At first it was just a good song.