What songs do Maiden/Maidens fans hate?


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
In inverse to the thread: “What other types of music do Maiden/ Maidens fans enjoy?”

I've been thinking of this question...

What songs do Maiden/Maidens fans hate?

Me I hate:
1). RAP,
2). Country other than Lynyrd Skynyrd or Eagles.

The worst song of all time has got to be “Margarita Ville”. :puke:

God it makes me sick, they play it on the car radio, and I listen to it a little, just to realize how sick it makes me feel and makes me appreciate heavy metal even more so! :headbang:
I cannot stand rap - it makes me want to hang myself!! I'm not a fan of dance music either - that kind of "music" is for getting your brain bashed in to!!

Anything else I will listen to, but heavy metal is my preferred choice of aural abuse!! :D

(Oh and my worst song of all time is Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights. I don't even want to think about how bad that song is!!)
Rap is the devil. Especially all this new 50 cent HORSE SHIT. I don't like Country but atleast they play their own instruments and are into this bling bling g' money horse shit!

During the last webcast Dimebag Darrell was in someone asked "What do you think of 50 Cent?" He said "50 Cent don't even know who that is, 50 cents is what is in my pocket, thats all I know about that"
Rap, Boy bands, especially anything by 'NSync(?) don't even know if I spelled it right. Oh, yeah, I just remembered! I don't care! I can't stand Britney Spears. I can't completely cut out Country, my dad was into that and there are some parts of Texas where that's all they played. So it was like, it's either Country or no music at all...I finally caved! But that was then, this is now. And now it's all about the METAL!!! :headbang: No other music satisfies me except for Native music. I wish there were more women out there doing metal. My friend Paulette of the Abuse was fantastic. She was so hardcore. She's the friend that I lost when I first went to see the MaidenS play at Cane's. That show helped me get through that rough time! One of her idols sings in the L.A. band My Ruin. If you guys hear of them, you should check them out. :D
Well so far I feel all of your pain :cry: , a great era of music has happened, at least Maiden and Black Sabbath and the like are still playing… I hope for another 10 years, anyway I hope future generations decent and demand talent, skill and musical integrity, like the way things used to be. However I must say that "Margarita Ville" is an old song, but a really mellow one, so mellow it makes me puke, and the singing just gives me a pounding headache... .:puke:.
Anything Creed or Creed related! :ill:
MAIDEN67 said:
I wish there were more women out there doing metal. My friend Paulette of the Abuse was fantastic. She was so hardcore. She's the friend that I lost when I first went to see the MaidenS play at Cane's. That show helped me get through that rough time! One of her idols sings in the L.A. band My Ruin. If you guys hear of them, you should check them out. :D

I kinda like being in the minority - it makes me feel special. And it's a talking point with nice long haired guys!!! ;) :loco:
I hate all thse whiney poppy punk boy bands...they stole all thier guitar riffs from the Ramones :bah:

I also hate alot of this nu-metal stuff..Some of the music is really good...but the singer sounds like he is hacking up a hair ball or they just let old "Rover" do the singing. :puke:
Lots of the stuff mentioned I've never heard, most likely I wouldn't like it either. RAP is not too respected by some individuals, well I wouldn't classify it as music though...If I had my choice between tortures RAP or country, I would pick country because it's the lesser of two evils.
bangadrian said:
wow -- there is so much hate in this thread against rap. it's an entire genre of music! how can you just rule out an entire genre completely? sure, a lot of the rap that gets famous sucks (50 cent for example), but... wow, you people are so closed minded.

there's also some good country out there if you would just open your ears.

Believe me I've heard this before, Yea on Fender Forum, Woah, it's amazing how upset people get when say you hate RAP. Well, it's true, I just have higher standards I guess... :headbang:

Oh yea I guess your not supposed to put down any kind music, I guess... Except for Bon Jovi, I've heard him trashing other singers and he gets away with it...

That said, I agree there is some good country music, like Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Eagles.. I know this dude who teaches guitar but he plays some wicked Stevie Ray Vaughan; however, he play’s at night clubs in Drop-D country style music; as a job.
I don't really HATE any kind of music, I just have my preferrence. I guess the music that I mentioned is not for me but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My kids don't listen to metal. I know about a lot of different kinds of music because of them. I listen and discuss the music with them. Gangster rap talks down on women and if my son is going to be listening to it, I want to make sure that he knows that it's just music and that he shouldn't think that it's okay to down women. I am a very open minded person because I believe in allowing my children to make their own choices. I try not to freak or make a big deal out of things (cause you all know that's what got us to rebel against our own parents! ;) ). I want my kids to know that they, or we, can talk about anything. So far, so good. :D
bangadrian said:
wow -- there is so much hate in this thread against rap. it's an entire genre of music! how can you just rule out an entire genre completely? sure, a lot of the rap that gets famous sucks (50 cent for example), but... wow, you people are so closed minded.

there's also some good country out there if you would just open your ears.

Ah yessss... rap music.. it does get a bad.. rap! :tickled:

You have a good point BangAdrian, there's sucky crap in all genres of music as well as brilliance. Rap is no exception. Even tho I don't care for the misogynistic aspect of some of the lyrics for most rap, I do like Eminem (I like his stories) and Tupac, too. **ducks** :lol:

As a musician for hire, I've actually had to learn a rap tune or two, lol!!! (Though it was more pop rap than hard core gangsta) Doing it is a lot more fun than listening to it, I have to say. As a lover of groove, it was interesting to me, like being a percussionist with my mouth and a lot harder to do well than many may think. I actually had a lot of fun with it, though it wouldn't be the genre of music I would that I would ultimately choose for my personal expression. But it's definitely here to stay, no getting away from that and it's part of the consciousness of our younger generation.

I admire your approach with your kids, Patricia. I'm also a great believer in talking to your kids. Better to teach them by example to be open-minded and think for themselves than to condemn their choices which only forces them to cling harder to the stuff you want to them to avoid.
BodomIsYourGod said:
You can't spell CRAP without RAP

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's a different era and if we parents don't get with the program our kids will go down some dangerous roads. They are being bombarded with so much information. I want them to learn their values from me not TV or video games or radio. But I also try to lead by example. Ya gotta walk the walk and talk the talk. Or for those of us that prefer the 70's...Don't write a check your butt can't cash! :D