What the hell are these songs about?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Savage Curtain? - whenever i hear this i think its a song about the evils of communism.

Divine Wings of Tragedy? - is this about the apocalypse?

Smoke and Mirrors? - no clue

any clue or any songs you dont understand?

tourniquet - where moth and rust destroy
Soul of Ice said:
Savage Curtain? - whenever i hear this i think its a song about the evils of communism.

Divine Wings of Tragedy? - is this about the apocalypse?

Smoke and Mirrors? - no clue

DWOT: Is a mix between Dantes "Divine Comedy" and the story of the archangel Gabriel.

Smoke and Mirrors: I really dont know, You should ask Thomas Miller¡¡¡¡:) :)
The Yngster said:
And is "The Turning" about a werewolf?
Yep, it's gotta be. Especially that part when Russ is switching voices, which probably represents man's struggle of becoming a monster at midnight.
That's some evil shit right there!
As for Smoke and Mirrors... I get the feeling the lyrics are some nonsense babble ala Dio. They don't really have a specific meaning, but they fit the mood of the song very well. Correct me if I'm wrong there tho...

Savage Curtain - this seems seems very EA Poe inspired, but can't really tell what is it about.
Hey, this is fun!

Would someone care to elaborate on following tunes?:
Absinthe & Rhue - booze problem?
Sea of Lies - inspired by Dostoyevski's "Crime and Punishment" perhaps?
Dressed to Kill - wtf???
A Lesson in Dying

Come on, all you philosophers! Let's hear it!
AloofTrashman said:
i think of sins and shadows is all about rape.... the lyrics all denote that's what's going on in the song... what do you guys think?
Hmmm, I could see Of Sins and Shadows being about a lot of things, but I'm having trouble seeing rape.
The Yngster said:
How about "Of Sins and Shadows", whats that about?

And is "The Turning" about a werewolf?

I thought that 2, at one time, but kinda sounds like a "Dr.Jackle and Mr.Hyde" thing too..
hum?? maybe??
RequiemX said:
... *blink* ... *blink* ... You don't strike me was one who would listen to a Christian band. No offense. :)

Really? Im Christian, but im not uptight about it like some people in my family who believe they are more "righteous" than others. God, I hate my uncle. hahah jk. I really dont like him or his attitude though.

as for of Sins and Shadows, I always believed that it was a song about a persons inner struggles. Sea of Lies I interpreted as how lies can bite you back in the ass

Thanks about telling me about the odyssey ....(fill your name in here, i forgot sorry).... its cool that its about the Archangel Michael and Dantes Inferno, but does anyone else see the comparisons the the book of Revelation (or is that what the Divine Comedy is about?).

np Dredg - same ol' road ------everyone should check the band out!
Ah! I Have a lot of ideas of what A Fool's paradise mean... i know it's all about social critcs. Man, I love this song!!!

"Conditioned to fear a voice that we hear calling the end of days" - I guess it's about religion and people been controlled by others ideas

"Like paws to a king, led by a string" - I guess it's about the way people are controlled by media and others

"Empire of the sea, lords of technollogy..." - I guess it's about the European first navigations, mainly cause of this part:
"tragedy on every shore" - 'cause some European counties explored a lot of people, ariving to the continents by boat, killing them and their culture

well I'll stop here... Do you guys agree or disagree with my point of view in any of these parts?
Taken from AMG:

The 20-minute-plus "The Divine Wings of Tragedy" is based upon Gustav Holst's "Mars: The Bringer of War," which is a piece that lends itself perfectly to this style of music.


Mars: Bringer of War seems to be a part of Gustav's best known composition The Planets.

Taken from http://www.aquarianage.org/lore/holst.html

Mars: The Bringer of War: The full horror of mechanised warfare confronts us face to face in this bleakest of all tone poems. Its face is unrepentent, unrelenting and merciless and it offers us no hope of redemption. Thousands of pairs of jackbooted feet parade across the landscape, scurrying to their graves. Tanks pound cities into rubble. Bullets fly and bombs fall. Airplanes swoop low overhead. How surprising it is, then, to learn that Holst completed this piece long before the opening of the First World War, before the invention of the tank, before any plane had ever been fitted out to carry bombs, before the slaughter in the trenches, before the use of poison gas.
Demonspell said:
Are you implying that I should dumb down my postings? Never in a million aeons, my good friend... :)

dumb down? no. But sometimes i feel your point is bogged down by a lot of flowery language.

hey, just an opinion.

random thought dating back to me and you -

We were at wwe world, i pointed out russell and you burst into "triumphant champion of Ithaca..." in front of him. I thought he was going to hit you. lol. That was funny.