What were your top 10 favorite metal albums of 2003?

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
In no order:

Cult of Luna - The Beyond
Exhumed - Anatomy is Destiny
Enslaved - Below the Lights
Pelican - Australasia
Nasum - Helvete
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
Alchemist - Austral Alien
Moonsorrow - Kivenkataja
Edge of Sanity - Crimson II
1= Watch Them Die- Watch Them Die
2= Goatwhore- Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun
3= Mindless Self Indulgence- Despierta Los Ninos
4= The Black Dahlia Murder- Unhallowed
5= Dead Elizabeth- demo
6= Aborym- With No Human Intervention
7= The Locust- Plague Soundscapes
8= Soilwork- Figure Number Five
9= Scarlet- Something To Lust About
10= Skyfire- Mind Revolution
Enslaved - Below The Lights
Aborym - With No Human Intervention
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Desecration - Gore and Perversion2
Axis of Perdition - The Ichneumon Method
Zyklon - Aeon
... and some various others that I can't think of offhand.... btw in no particular order
My top ten of 2003 was this:

1) Esmerine-If Only A Sweet Surrender To The Nights To Come Be True
2) A Silver Mt. Zion-This Is Our Punk Rock
3) Kayo Dot-Choirs of the Eye
4) Iron Maiden-Dance of Death
5) Ephel Duath-The Painter's Palette
6) The Devin Townsend Band-Accelerated Evolution
7) Anathema-A Natural Disaster
8) Farmakon-A Warm Glimpse
9) The Mars Volta-De-Loused In The Comatorium
10) Opeth-Damnation

Though not all of those are metal
DTB - Accelerated Evolution
Enslaved - Below the lights
Opeth - Damnation

well, actually I think I didn't buy any more albums from 2003, mainly older records off eBay...
1. Ghoul - Maniaxe
2. Aborted - Goremageddon: The Saw And The Carnage Done
3. Vital Remains - Dechristianize
4. Blood Red Throne - Afilliated With Suffering
5. Exhumed - Anatomy Is Destiny
6. Enslaved - Below The Lights
7. Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
8. Dew Scented - Impact
9. Paganizer - Murder Death Kill
10. Murder Squad - Murderous, Ravenous
Best Albums (in no order) :
Anathema : A Natural Disaster
Dimmu Borgir : Death Cult Armageddon
Edge Of Sanity : Crimson 2
Gojira : The Link
In The Woods : Live At The Caledonien Hall
Iron Maiden : Dance Of Death
Katatonia : Viva Emptiness
Korn : Take A Look In The Mirror
Opeth : Damnation
The Quill : Hooray,It's A Death Trip

+Ephel Duath,Marduk,Lycosia,Machine Head,Ulver,Antimatter ...

Worst album :
Metallica: St Anger
Axis of Perdition - The Ichneumon Method
Ephel Duath - The Painters Palette
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Akercocke - Chronozon
Zyklon - Aeon
Exhumed - Anatomy is Destiny
Enslaved - Below The Lights
Cult of Luna - The Beyond
Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn
As published by Royal Carnage:

1. NEGURà BUNGET – ’N Crugu Bradului (Code666)
2. SKEPTICISM - Farmakon (Red Stream)
3. NOKTURNAL MORTUM - The Taste of Victory (Oriana)
4. DRUDKH - Forgotten Legends (Supernal Music)
5. KATATONIA - Viva Emptiness (Peaceville/The End)
6. GRAVELAND - The Fire of Awakening (No Colours)
7. FALKENBACH - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty (Napalm)
8. XASTHUR - The Funeral of Being (Blood Fire Death)
9. IRON MAIDEN - Dance of Death (EMI)
10. MÜTIILATION - Majestas Leprosus (Ordealis)

KROHM ”Crown of the Ancients” (Selbstmord), ENSLAVED ”Below the Lights” (Osmose), DARKTHRONE ”Hate Them” (Moonfog), ULVER ”A Quick Fix of Melancholy” (The End), ANATHEMA ”A Natural Disaster” (Music for Nations)

http://www.royalcarnage.com/Features/top ten 2003/erik/erik_frame.htm
I'll do you one better...here's my top 20!

1. Evergrey-Recreation Day
2. To/Die/For-Jaded
3. Opeth-Damnation
4. Green Carnation-A Blessing In Disguise
5. Kalmah-Swampsong
6. Charon-Dying Daylights
7. Dimmu Borgir- Deathcult Armageddon
8. Blood Red Throne-Affiliated With Suffering
9. Naglfar-Sheol
10. Poisonblack-Escapexstacy
11. Marduk-World Funeral
12. Children of Bodom-Hate Crew Deathroll
13. Zyklon-Aeon
14. Dimension Zero-This is Hell
15. Destruction-Metal Discharge
16. Lullacry-Crucify My Heart
17. Grimfist-Ghouls of Grandeur
18. For My Pain-Fallen
19. The Old Dead Tree-The Nameless Disease
20. Nasum-Helvete

Honorable Mentions:
Mercury Tide-Why?
Goatwhore-Funeral Dirge for The Rotting Sun
The Gathering-Souviners
Carnal Forge-The More You Suffer
Rapture-Songs For The Withering
Vital Remains-Dechristianize
Unearthly Trance- season of seance, science of silence
Type O Negative- life is killing me
Alchemist- austral alien
Entombed- inferno
Strapping Young Lad- syl
The Crown- possessed 13
Edge of Sanity- crimson 2
Reverend Bizarre- harbringer of metal
Voivod- s/t
(tie) Solace- 13 -or- The Mars Volta- de-loused in the comatorium
Blood Red Throne - Afilliated With Suffering
Old Man's Child - In Defiance Of Existence
Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Darkthrone - Hate Them
Carpathian Forest - Defending The Throne Of Evil
My top ten of 2003 was 15 ....

1. GRAVELAND "The Fire of Awakening"
2. DARKTHRONE "Hate Them"
3. SHINING "Within Deep ..." reed.
4. AZRAEL "Into Shadows Act I: Denial"
6. ZYKLON "Aeon"
7. KILL "Horned Holocaust"
8. SANATORIUM "Fetus Rape"
9. WYRD "Vargtimmen Part. I"
10. XASTHUR "The Funeral of Being"
11. THOR'S HAMMER "3 Weeds from the Same Root"
12. AETERNUS "A Darker Monument"
13. GORGOROTH "Twilight of the Idols"
14. ABORYM "With No Human Intervention"
15. BARATHRUM "Venomous"
They're not all metal. In no particular order, I bring you Demiurge's Top Albums of 2003:

Graveland- The Fire of Awakening

Nokturnal Mortum- The Taste of Victory

Ohtar- When I Cut the Throat

Satanic Warmaster- Opferblut

Kraftwerk- Tour de France Soundtracks

Vivaldi(Rachel Podger)- La Stravaganza

Wolfnacht- Töten Für Wotan

Arkona- Konstelacja Lodu

Warloghe- Womb of Pestilence

Ohtar- Woodland Desolation

Nachtfalke- Land of Frost

Chopin(Perahia)- Etudes

Stutthof- Towards Thy Astral Path