What would you do: Take the money and run, or turn it in?

To take, or not to take. Tis a good fucking question amirite?

  • You better believe I'm grabbing that shit. It's tuff in da streetz

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • No, I would not take the money because I'm a pussy (or a good person, whichever you prefer)

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
Ironically, just the other day I was just talking to my friend at work about winning the lottery and other such nonsensical ways of making a fortune, including an armored vehicle "dropping" or "leaving" a bundle of cash for me to take and make my own.

Well, that's exactly what happened yesterday in downtown Indianapolis, except I wasn't there to reap the rewards.

This is every person's dream right? You're just strolling down the street on a nice fall day minding your own business, and the next thing you know there are $20 bills smacking you in the face because some artard in a Garda armored truck forgot the lock the hatches to his vehicle and took off sans THREE MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS and someone runs over a bag of cash with their car causing all of this cash to flutter in the wind.

So again, the question is, do you grab what you can and take off hoping not to get caught? Or do you call the police and turn in the cash?
Garda and Brinks are known for their security flaws (both companies have a VERY high theft rate, doesn't help that most merchants don't even follow through on paperwork correctly, so a $4 million dollar pickup can (and has) become a $3.5 million pickup). That being said, if it exploded on the fucking street with heavy traffic, I might grab a few bucks solely because the money is insured for replacement (and the money as it is is fucking gone at this point, there is no way to collect all of it). If the situation was different though, like the bag fell out and I picked it up or whatever then I would just turn it in. NOT to the Garda guards though, to their HQ.

Edit: of course morally it's wrong. Doesn't mean we aren't bad at times.
Honestly, I'd probably take it and blow it all as fast as possible, act like it never happened, acquire some cool shit and an entire liquor cabinet.
What Krow said, absolutely. Shit costs way too much here.

Most of the people in that article were bullshitting, they'd totally take that shit.
I'd take it. Chances are it's insured anyway. Now, in the similar scenario of finding someone's wallet I'd totally track them down and give it back.
Depends on the source to me. If it's some huge corporation's money then I'm not gonna give it back most likely, but if it's a smaller company that could be negatively affected I'd return it.
I regularly blow up armored trucks with my bazooka to collect money a la GTA.
If I knew where it came from, I would return it all. There is a chance that the person to whom I returned it would give me a cut of the money as a reward, which I would gladly accept.
I'd take the money, then once I got home I'd start to worry that the bills could be traceable so I'd hide it somewhere but I'd constantly worry that someone might find it so I'd keep moving it around at night but then my girlfriend would of course start getting suspicious to the point where she would follow me one night and confront me and I would accidentally stab her in a fit of wild paranoid rage.
I will take the money, only to be constantly pursued by a maniacal killer and some mexican drug cartels. I'll evade them until barely surviving a close encounter with the maniacal killer. Ultimately the mexicans will track me down and kill me in a shootout at a motel.
If I knew where it came from, I would return it all. There is a chance that the person to whom I returned it would give me a cut of the money as a reward, which I would gladly accept.

shoulda read the article

I probably would've taken as much as I could, I mean shit. Flying money in a crowded city street? No ones going to remember you

After seeing The Town I've wondered the real possibilities, of pulling off heists like that guess it's not to hard :lol:
Mathiäs;9421215 said:
I will take the money, only to be constantly pursued by a maniacal killer and some mexican drug cartels. I'll evade them until barely surviving a close encounter with the maniacal killer. Ultimately the mexicans will track me down and kill me in a shootout at a motel.

You should write a novel about that, then have it adapted to film. You could call it No Country for Old Mathias. Yeah, that's catchy.