What would you like to perform on live?

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Jahaa!! My newest idea, made up in shower.
Question: If you were on gig of some band (Dark Tranquillity for example) what is the song or a part of a song that you would like to perform with the band.
Example: I would like to play the intro of punish my heaven using Niklas´ guitar.

This is not absurd nor sensation-seeking, just me.
I've already done it ;)
I sang Anders Fridens parts of Hedon at the Stockholm 2000 gig. I was standing in the audience and not on stage though, but I shouted into the mic.
once - from the audience like tranquillian - i sang about half of therapy?'s knives. it's a great night the night when you get therapy? to play the riff live while you scream and you can't help my life. very formative.
i would like to do lots of songs by arch enemy (screaming). i would kick ass on heart of darkness or ravenous. and i really like that 'this is the era, this is the time' part on demonic science. i would also like to scream on cold by at the gates, particularly that '22 yrs of pain' part. just that might be enough. i could not really handle any dark tranquilllllity though. too many words. and i would butcher the guitar parts. it would be embarrassing.
I'd just like to sing some female vocals in any DT song, or a bunch of other songs, even songs that don't include female vocals, hell, i'd even like to do death metal vocals. :loco:

@FV: i don't know which is more absurd, the Orion vocals or the Matell-ica gig :p

Siren (barbie)