What would you LIKE to see become the next metal genre?

Actually dark metal is more commonly used to refer to the Agalloch-esque bands like Woods of Ypres and October Falls than to the DSBM bands like Bethlehem. Bethlehem just coined the phrase.

No. Bethlehem is not a DSBM band. They exclusively play dark metal. And those bands you mentioned are not dark metal at all.
I still don't know exactly what speed metal is, my idea of speed metal these days is something like Harbinger.

I think of Agent Steel, Running Wild etc. - near-thrash tempos minus the palm muting but musically some sort of middle-ground between heavy metal and power metal.
Maybe more stuff like:


I'd like to see more Meshuggahesk poly rhythms in Brutal deathmetal, not so much djent but more interesting time change ups while keeping it heavy and intense.

This is potentially an interesting area for sure. If the lyrics were in-space as the poster above suggested, I'd be even more sold. I like heavy heavy music that has a sense of adventure and even fun lyrically. Strapping Young Lad would suck if the whole thing weren't so joyously personality-filled, for instance.
Man, I do not know what the fuck dark metal is supposed to be. I've seen that term used in a couple different ways over the years and the definitions people offer are usually so vague. It's not as bad as "speed metal" though, which has like 5 gazillion different definitions.

Speed metal was originally used to describe thrash metal (I'm pretty sure) but now it's more commonly used to describe bands like Motorhead, Agent Steel, early Helloween, Exciter, etc. It's a very vague/inconsistent definition, regardless.
I'd like to see some like DSBM drone doom stuff, like really dark grim stuff with low death gurgle Demilich-esque vocals. Like Deeds of Flesh's "A Violent God".
Yea, I think doom's boundaries can be pushed a little more, considering monumental releases like The Maniacal Vale and The Monad Of Creation are fairly recent.

For those to be boundary pushing doom albums it'd help for them to actually be doom.
Ok, I see that the ephebophile guy is denying that the Esoteric and Mournful Congregation albums are doom albums. Alright, last time I checked, Esoteric was a doom band. No, not a trad doom band, not a stoner doom band, and not an epic doom band, but some kind of idiosyncratic doom (not sure if I want to call it funeral doom, hmmmm...) I haven't heard this particular Esoteric album but I'm assuming that it's not radically different from what they did before. I'm also listening to some stuff from that Mournful Congregation album and it sounds like funeral doom to me. So exactly how are these albums not doom? I'm honestly curious.

This denial that these albums are doom seems to me at first blush to be a curious form of metal forum dick waving. I was going to make a thread about this phenomenon because I've started to take notice of it, but I decided not to.
Ok, I see that the ephebophile guy is denying that the Esoteric and Mournful Congregation albums are doom albums. Alright, last time I checked, Esoteric was a doom band. No, not a trad doom band, not a stoner doom band, and not an epic doom band, but some kind of idiosyncratic doom (not sure if I want to call it funeral doom, hmmmm...) I haven't heard this particular Esoteric album but I'm assuming that it's not radically different from what they did before. I'm also listening to some stuff from that Mournful Congregation album and it sounds like funeral doom to me. So exactly how are these albums not doom? I'm honestly curious.

This denial that these albums are doom seems to me at first blush to be a curious form of metal forum dick waving. I was going to make a thread about this phenomenon because I've started to take notice of it, but I decided not to.

This is exactly why metal DOESN'T need more 'sub - genres'. In so many ways its gone away from a simple way to classify the music to being part of an ego-arsenal for silly elitist.
In my mind at least, both Esoteric and Mournful Congregation are straight up funeral doom bands, or at least as "straight up" funeral doom as you can be. The sub-genre isn't as well defined as others. And it's not like the two mentioned albums mark a departure from these bands' style, so if it's not doom metal, then what is it?
White metal.

Extremely good production quality. All members are extremely Christian and spend all of their time witnessing about Jesus.

They would have stage names such as "Gabriel" and "love" and "faith".
White metal.

Extremely good production quality. All members are extremely Christian and spend all of their time witnessing about Jesus.

They would have stage names such as "Gabriel" and "love" and "faith".

So all you would have to do is sing about Jesus and have good production qualities in order to fit into this genre?

The vast majority of Christian metal bands already do this. There should really be a set of musically-related requirements other than just vocals and production quality. (And stage names.)
So all you would have to do is sing about Jesus and have good production qualities in order to fit into this genre?

The vast majority of Christian metal bands already do this. There should really be a set of musically-related requirements other than just vocals and production quality. (And stage names.)

well, Its just the polar opposite of black metal so I guess it would have very clean vocals,no blast beat drumming, very slow riffing, etc.