What would you recommend? Heil PR20 or Audix i5?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
I already have an SM57. I'm looking for a second mic that's along the lines, but that's a wee bit less boxy-sounding to blend in or as a standalone to mic a guitar cab. Which of those two would you pick for that job? How do they compare between themselves and with the SM57?

Thanks! :)
PR20 sounds fuller and smoother than both the 57 and the I5. Very usable out of the box. I5 is a bit harsh sounding for my taste. I like it on snare drums though. So PR20 for cab mic'ing.
Yeah I'm not a big fan of the I5 on guitar amps either, good on snares though. From the clips I've heard the PR20 seems to be a good shout though.
Thank you, dudes! Yeah, I'm thinking the Heil looks like a better choice of the two.

Is the PR20 plain darker or just smoother, as in "it does have some nice highs, they're just not where the harshness is in an SM57" kinda deal?
i got both, and both are awesome. different sounds, and they do nicely when combined

the i5 likes to face the cone of my Red Fang, 2 inches outside the dustcap area, because it delivers quite a bright sound. i´m placing my other mics closer to the center of the speakers.
it already served well as snare bottom, too. in fact, i got the snare sound out entirely of the bottom mic (batter head was a Hydraulic -.-).

bought the PR20 just recently, so i didn´t test it on all the stuff i already had the i5 working on. what i did notice though is its softer proximity effect. it doesn´t add as much bass.
Another vote for PR20. I used it on guitar twice and liked it. that said, I finally bought a PR30 and it's great on guitar cab as well as on snares.
E906 is usually my first choice when thinking about a 57 alternative - that being said, PR20 is way more "musical" and less harsh than the i5 which I only find good on darker sources, or snares.
Thanks, dudes! I remember Andy posting a few samples of the i5 a few years back. I wonder if the i5 ever made it into his mixes?

Is the 906 very different from the 609? I have tried the 609 and found it a tad fizzy. Not really what I'm going for.

Oh, yeah, I'd love me an MD421, but it's much more expensive than the PR20 or the i5!