What would you say if I told you...

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
...that we may have writen and recorded one of the heaviest doom songs, ever...? ...maybe the heaviest, emotionally and sonically, overall. I think we did. It will be track #6 on "Woods 3".

+ I believe Dan Hulse drops a succession of open G# notes in the first riff (B string on a bass, tuned down a step and a half, a whole octave below a standard G# note). Match that with my main riff and some of the slowest drums I've ever played...It's the heaviest thing I've ever heard! :kickass:
Really looking forward to this release!

Shit, man... I might even hold off on downloading it and listening to it for the first time on CD. Not going to be an easy task.
It is my job to hype up this record, right to the last moments before it's release. Keep spreading the word out there!!! We need it. :kickass:

First post copied/pasted to the forum at clonemetal.dk, the most important metal forum in Denmark...

Quite a few people on that forum are looking forward to Woods 3!
Orthodox Caveman - Really looking forward to this release!

Shit, man... I might even hold off on downloading it and listening to it for the first time on CD. Not going to be an easy task.

W3 is not a downloadable album. I'm sure eventually some asshole will upload it and give it away to everyone for free, but you know what I'm trying to say here.

If you haven't already pre-ordered a copy, it is VERY important that you PAY FOR a copy of this album when it comes out, preferably direct from us. VERY important!!! Remember that we have always been and still are an 'indie' band somehow pushing through a projects like this...and we're not getting any yonger. In fact, this project is excellerating the aging process of Dan Hulse and I, taking years off our life.

I'll leave it at that.

For those who support us, REALLY actually support us, we are very gratefull. Thank you as always!

DG :kickass:
Ahh, so it looks like this will be coming out right around the time that Pursuit did....

That description sounds intriguing and excellent-- I remember you verrry early on promising some extreme doom elements....

It's going to be a bit odd dropping a winter black metal album in the middle of summer, but I'm sure the album will rock anyway. I still haven't pre-ordered it, I can't afford it, I'll probably have to wait until the album comes out.
If you haven't already pre-ordered a copy, it is VERY important that you PAY FOR a copy of this album when it comes out, preferably direct from us. VERY important!!! Remember that we have always been and still are an 'indie' band...

Hey man, I ain't saying I am going to download it and not buy it. I would not do that.

All I am saying is that the private tracker sites I am a member of specialize in advance copies of albums and I get my hands on these leaks months prior to them being released.

What I was meaning was I will have to hold off till I get the CD in my hands to listen to this album. Make it that much more of an expeirence, something that you would reserve for a band that matters more to you than the regular run of the mill band does.
If you told me that?
I'd say that I can't fucking wait, that I've been anticipating this album for so long, and that I'm going to squeal like a little girl when it arrives in my mailbox.