What you should do


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
1. Put Deliverance in PC CD Player

2. Rip "Masters Apperentices" onto PC in .WAV form

3. Open .WAV editor

4. Remove 0:22 to 2:54


6. enjoy

that first rif in that song and most of that first section is the most boring subpar they've done yet. Sorry Mikael, i hate that. LOVE the song though otherwise. [/troll]
Hey Bumblefoot, given that we both live in the same city and I can't find Deliverance yet, I have to ask whether or not you managed to find it here... did you find it at an HMV or somewhere else? Or did you have to order it via the web?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks man, I'm not all too surprized that you had to order online... unfortunatley, I can't. I don't have a credit card (don't trust myself enough actually). Well, maybe good ole HMV in Edmonton will have it when I go at the end of the month (I hate going to West Ed but as far as I know, it's got the best metal selection in all of Alberta). Take care!
If I can draw everybody's attention back to the thread... :D

I don't mind the first verse of these, but the second verse does start to... uh, how can I put this nicely... drag, a bit. I still like it a lot, but I think it would be better if it was just the one verse, or two shorter verses. Just what I think. :)
I like it. Rather simple, but who cares? I think Opeth has enough complexity credibility that they can write simple riffs if they want to.

Sort of funny though, that part of the song reminds me of a simplified Morbid Angel. :)