What you think..solo's i recorded now

Engel Der Nacht said:
I would like to play guitar too :yell:

That's nice, but at the second part of "downfall solo outro" you make mistakes, that sounds... Strange! lol

lol i know im not so good playin' :p
1`. how old are you?
2. with that downfall one, how long did it take you to learn it if you've only been playing for 1 1/2 years?
3. do you really only practice 1 hour a day and in 1 1/2 years you're that good? i've been playing 1 1/2 years and i can barely do the sixpounder solo.
about the mistake: the outro is easier then the solo, so i dont know why did you make mistakes...
(and I have the same questions like enemy242)
Ok i think its a bit unfair to say 'Its horrible'

Is it your band or somthing? how did you record it?
Yetti said:
keep practicing, spanky

and yes, tune your guitar before recording

hehe.. i fucking tuned the shit but the strings maybe yeah.. tune themself a bit..

i think the tuning is okay.. and thilo: you have been playin' for 13 years or something? you are a pro.. im a noobie compared to you!! hehe!!
Enemy242 said:
1`. how old are you?
2. with that downfall one, how long did it take you to learn it if you've only been playing for 1 1/2 years?
3. do you really only practice 1 hour a day and in 1 1/2 years you're that good? i've been playing 1 1/2 years and i can barely do the sixpounder solo.

1. 16yr

2. Maybe three months.. love the song and wanted to learn the solo. just starting teach hatebreeder

3. MAX an hour pr day. But the solo is a bit more easyer than the original.. not sweeping and some other things..

Not recorded with band just midi drums and midi bass.. :) btw i used a mic from Clas Ohlson bought it for about 3$.. 29NOK :D
Shagoroth said:
about the mistake: the outro is easier then the solo, so i dont know why did you make mistakes...
(and I have the same questions like enemy242)

not practised the solo too much :D

whops.. i ment outro
There not bad, but youve been practicing that solo for 3 months? 3 months? for 1 hour a day, if you really wanted to learn that solo you shouldve played it all day untill you got it... sorry but thats a waste of time... and you cant even do it perfectly...
sorry, nice try bro
You have made me feel like im going to put the guitar on the locker and start listening to RNB and SOUL. Ive played for 1,5yr and you want me to play like a fucking pro

Hey man.. don't fucking put the guitar on the locker, but you should listen to all kinds of music.. or listen to things that sound good to you.

I know how it was after 1,5 years of playing.. i tried to play everything as fast as possible, and it sounded very shitty. Now I have been playing for 5 years and I have noticed that I am WAY much better than 3,5 years ago.
There have been many times I almost quit guitar playing, but I didn't quit for some strange reasons.. so here I am with my great skills, hahahaha :D

Don't stop playing the guitar.. whatever you do, don't throw the guitar away from your life. You have the potential to be a great guitarist in a few years.
