Whats Everybody Up To Thread?

Gaunerin said:
Hehe....I also did some cleaning but it was more like me slipping into the weekly "saturday-caring-housewife-role" :grin:

Other than that I'm starting to think about which stuff I need to take with me to Sweden - I'm leaving monday morning! :) I'll let you know if the three-headed Urban won against Octopus-Peter and they guys played "In The Shadows" next week... LOL!

Ha ha ha have a great trip. :grin: Please let us know all of the details.

Lol, you know I did that once, got the same reply. hehe

Yes, sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to do because of that. ;)
Today I made a new CGI with this nifty computer program that actually draws the individual brush strokes of the paint brush... man I LOVE IT, and its freeware too! :cool: The picture turned out pretty good so I put it on my site, I think maybe I put the eyes a little too far away from each other though. :shrugs:

Bryant said:
I asked him once to make the days longer and he told me to move to Northern Alaska during the Spring and Summer months so I pretty much gave up on that conversation after that.
WIntersReflection said:
Lol, you know I did that once, got the same reply. hehe

Yes, sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to do because of that. ;)
Today I made a new CGI with this nifty computer program that actually draws the individual brush strokes of the paint brush... man I LOVE IT, and its freeware too! :cool: The picture turned out pretty good so I put it on my site, I think maybe I put the eyes a little too far away from each other though. :shrugs:
Cool. I don't "paint" as you do but I do photography and I use some Photoshop but mostly Paint Shop Pro for my editing.

I did absolutely nothing last weekend. This weekend, I have a three day weekend so I will do very constructive things like: Drink plenty of beer, listen to a bunch of music, play some guitar, take the wife shopping etc. (Not that I have any money as of late) Didn't cut my grass this past weekend and I have to use a machete to find where I parked my car, so I guess I will do that as well....... Ah still haven't used my new camera much either so I plan on doing that. The wife recently got a little spooky (scared) about being at home alone while I work, so I bought a nice 12 gauge pump shotgun. That is one powerful weapon, but it is the best weapon for home defense (all I will use it for as I don't hunt or kill people I don't like very often) and I would love to get a couple of pix of her firing that monster.

Yup, lol, I can't see anyone missing with that thing, if firing it doesn't knock you back through the wall. ;)

I have a three day weekend too, so I'll probably try to catch up on the sleep that I haven't felt I got (even though I was asleep whenever I could be) this week. I might well work on my site more, trying to figure out how to do anchors.

Bryant said:
I did absolutely nothing last weekend. This weekend, I have a three day weekend so I will do very constructive things like: Drink plenty of beer, listen to a bunch of music, play some guitar, take the wife shopping etc. (Not that I have any money as of late) Didn't cut my grass this past weekend and I have to use a machete to find where I parked my car, so I guess I will do that as well....... Ah still haven't used my new camera much either so I plan on doing that. The wife recently got a little spooky (scared) about being at home alone while I work, so I bought a nice 12 gauge pump shotgun. That is one powerful weapon, but it is the best weapon for home defense (all I will use it for as I don't hunt or kill people I don't like very often) and I would love to get a couple of pix of her firing that monster.

Waiting for it to be time to go to work... and listening to music. :)

I FINALLY figured out how to do anchors... now I feel better I was beginning to be worried about why it was I couldn't figure them out! lol :) So now the reviews on my page have links at the top of the page that you can click to get to that one immediately. :) I also added a new hand drawing while I was at it. :)Daydreamer11s World

My little brother has an ear infection! :( Poor guy, its one of those ones that really hurts bad, :erk: I am glad he'll be home earlier than usual today. He went to work early so as to get home early and hopefully the infection clear up quickly... He can get some sleep and all.

Ugh, I can't wait for tomorrow, I love Fridays, even if most of my paycheck is going to bills this time around. Lol.
Bryant said:
Ha ha ha have a great trip. :grin: Please let us know all of the details.
You don't want to know ;)
Well, you already know that they played "In The Shadows" :) Chulle from Lefay was joining Urban on vocals for "Matters Of The Dark" which I had wished they'd do - perfect! I hope to have the festival review online soon - in fact, I'm done with my parts already.

What else have I been up to? Still have this week off work, which is cool. And only yesterday I learnt that I am going to attend the Rock Hard Festival this upcoming weekend. Two of my best friends are coming over to stay at my place, I don't see them personally that often.

And I had intended to go shopping today. And these days they are selling all sorts of soccer related merchandise because of the European championship and being the Sweden fan that I am I was drooling over some blue/yellow jackets with Sweden written on it. And suddenly I recognized some guys next to me talking Swedish. I gave them my best grin and nodded in their direction - and I kept grinning for something like half an hour. I think I need help :grin:
Gaunerin said:
And I had intended to go shopping today. And these days they are selling all sorts of soccer related merchandise because of the European championship and being the Sweden fan that I am I was drooling over some blue/yellow jackets with Sweden written on it. And suddenly I recognized some guys next to me talking Swedish. I gave them my best grin and nodded in their direction - and I kept grinning for something like half an hour. I think I need help :grin:
ahah Gauny grinner of the year :p
Gaunerin said:
You don't want to know ;)
Well, you already know that they played "In The Shadows" :) Chulle from Lefay was joining Urban on vocals for "Matters Of The Dark" which I had wished they'd do - perfect! I hope to have the festival review online soon - in fact, I'm done with my parts already.

What else have I been up to? Still have this week off work, which is cool. And only yesterday I learnt that I am going to attend the Rock Hard Festival this upcoming weekend. Two of my best friends are coming over to stay at my place, I don't see them personally that often.

And I had intended to go shopping today. And these days they are selling all sorts of soccer related merchandise because of the European championship and being the Sweden fan that I am I was drooling over some blue/yellow jackets with Sweden written on it. And suddenly I recognized some guys next to me talking Swedish. I gave them my best grin and nodded in their direction - and I kept grinning for something like half an hour. I think I need help :grin:

Wish I had some time off from work. :loco:

Would be cool to hear the duet with Urban and Lefay.

Fill us in on the rock concert as well.

As far as being a sports fan there is nothing wong with that. I love football as much as you do, but of course it is American football for me. The first night of Prog power IV, (the pre-show party) I was wearing my Hines Ward 86 Pittsburgh Steeler jersey. I even have pictures taken with Rage, Pagans Mind and Jon Oliva in my jersey. Gunter Werno (Vanden Plas keyboardist) wore his home football team's jersey on stage. The sports fans are out there. I don't watch any other sports besides American pro and college football, but I get angry if I can't see my teams play...:rock: :rock: :rock:

At Monday, 7th june, we finally had our Grease show.
Being Vince Fountain on stage was extraordinary experience.
I've never been into acting before, now I'm hooked...
The combination of acting and singing is great!
Seems like I'm born to hand jive after all...
It's been a busy week. After the Rock Hard festival and everything surrounding it (fun pics can be found here: http://www.truemetal.org/marlies/rh04/ - the more serious live pics from Nico coming up on his site soon I guess) I've been more or less back into the normal working mode :( but last saturday I've been to a birthday party of a colleague and on sunday I first went to visit my mum and then met up with Into Eternity and two friends again before IE had to fly back home. I was home around 3.30 am :Saint: and was already back at the desk in the office around 8. Then I had Swedish class in the evening, you can bet I was like dead when I got home monday night :grin:

Today I will hook up with a bunch of ppl to see the new Blind Guardian DVD beeing screened in the movies. The band will also be there. They decided to show that DVD in a few cinemas across Germany before the release. Should be interesting.
Gaunerin said:
It's been a busy week. After the Rock Hard festival and everything surrounding it (fun pics can be found here: http://www.truemetal.org/marlies/rh04/ - the more serious live pics from Nico coming up on his site soon I guess) I've been more or less back into the normal working mode :( but last saturday I've been to a birthday party of a colleague and on sunday I first went to visit my mum and then met up with Into Eternity and two friends again before IE had to fly back home. I was home around 3.30 am :Saint: and was already back at the desk in the office around 8. Then I had Swedish class in the evening, you can bet I was like dead when I got home monday night :grin:

Whew !! Sounds like you were very busy. Looks like you had a good time though. I wsh I could have been there.

ZeiMoT said:
At Monday, 7th june, we finally had our Grease show.
Being Vince Fountain on stage was extraordinary experience.
I've never been into acting before, now I'm hooked...
The combination of acting and singing is great!
Seems like I'm born to hand jive after all...
That's cool Zeimot. One of my favorite bands, Vanden Plas are big into theater. The lead singer Andy Kuntz was given the role of Judas in "Jesus Christ Superstar" and he did many shows around Germany playing that role. after seeing Vanden Plas on stage in 2003, I can see where the acting could help the stage presence because Andy was very good on stage at that show.

I need to burn some CDs tonight. I carry around so many store bought ones in my car. It would cost a small fortune to replace them, and many are out of print as well. It's so boring though. ; /
