Whats Everybody Up To Thread?

Well I am kinda pissed, I had this whole Metal weekend planned out. It was gonna be Magistral friday in Austin, I was going to meet up with my friend Ben and afterwards we going to drive back to his place in San antonio. Saturday, We were going to See the Priest show in SA (because there was no date in Houston) and then my dad was going to pick me up and that was the plan.

BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!! Thursady night I start feeling like shit and wake up Friday and still feel like crap. Started feeling better so I said...ok let's drive to Austin. I kinda start feeling crummy in the car. Then we get to the club, I start feeling like shit in this furnace. The opening band was way too fucking loud, I finally find my dad and I told him we had to go home. I had a burning fever and felt like I was gonna barf and I felt like Excrament.Woke up today, felt better but didn't want to drive to San Antonio and stand in the hot sun all day...fuck that. So I am starting to feel a little naucious again so that sucks.

But on the good side of things...what are the chances of me getting sick at Progpower now???
Well, yesterday I went to Six Flags with Urban and Kim... we rode every good coaster they had open and plenty of other stuff, too. LOADS of fun! Anyway, I got a couple of pics of Kim & Urban on Fearles Freep's Dare Devil Dive... they haul you up something like 150 feet (higher than the highest hill on the Scream Machine, anyway) in the air and then you drop... you free fall until you get pretty close to the ground before the cables catch. They say you reach speeds of 50+ mph... you swing back and forth a few times... it's very scary at first but a shitload of fun once you actually do it (yes, it took them like 4 hours to talk me into trying it). So anyway, here's a couple of pictures I took of Kim & Urban on their first ride, and one of us after riding Thunder River. :) they're big and hopefully really annoyingly so. :loco:




sounds like a shit load of fun!! i went on one of those things once couple years ago when i was 11.....i tell ya it took me 4 hours to get talked into doing it as well, a shame it was after we ate! ah not a nice site, hahah.

hey and while were on the subject...ever been to bush gardens? they got some wicked coasters there man.
lady_space said:
Well, yesterday I went to Six Flags with Urban and Kim...

Hmmmm, would this be the very same Six Flags you mentioned in plans for May? Looks like staying another day is very much in order now.
Wheezer said:
Hmmmm, would this be the very same Six Flags you mentioned in plans for May? Looks like staying another day is very much in order now.

Yes, we're definitely doing 6 Flags after the wedding next year... it was too much fun not to!! :) (And tix are only about $27--maybe less if they have any kind of group discount rate.) Now, if I could just get a hold of Linda and Metal Rose, we might be going again today...

For those of you who missed the barbecue, it was a farkin' BLAST! Metal Rose even made it (boy, was I surprised!). Pictures soon.

lady_space said:
Yes, we're definitely doing 6 Flags after the wedding next year... it was too much fun not to!! :) (And tix are only about $27--maybe less if they have any kind of group discount rate.) Now, if I could just get a hold of Linda and Metal Rose, we might be going again today...

For those of you who missed the barbecue, it was a farkin' BLAST! Metal Rose even made it (boy, was I surprised!). Pictures soon.


ahem...someone needs to pick up there phone the next time a certain doctor calls!!! :grin:
lady_space said:
For those of you who missed the barbecue, it was a farkin' BLAST! Metal Rose even made it (boy, was I surprised!). Pictures soon.

Man that was so much fun!

"So those relatives in town....."

"Yes, they were there, but two weeks ago!"

"If I ever have a secret, I'm definatly telling you!"


Here's Shaye's face when she first saw me!


I'm SOOOO fucking devious!

MetalRose said:
Cool. Did you get my message? Six Flags Sunday after PPVI? That would so fucking rule! (Are they still open then?)


We are going to watch football on Sunday and you are coming with us damnit !! :loco: I'll bring you a Steeler jersey to wear.
