lady_space said:Well, yesterday I went to Six Flags with Urban and Kim...
Wheezer said:Hmmmm, would this be the very same Six Flags you mentioned in plans for May? Looks like staying another day is very much in order now.
lady_space said:Yes, we're definitely doing 6 Flags after the wedding next year... it was too much fun not to!!(And tix are only about $27--maybe less if they have any kind of group discount rate.) Now, if I could just get a hold of Linda and Metal Rose, we might be going again today...
For those of you who missed the barbecue, it was a farkin' BLAST! Metal Rose even made it (boy, was I surprised!). Pictures soon.
lady_space said:For those of you who missed the barbecue, it was a farkin' BLAST! Metal Rose even made it (boy, was I surprised!). Pictures soon.
MetalRose said:Cool. Did you get my message? Six Flags Sunday after PPVI? That would so fucking rule! (Are they still open then?)
Bryant said:We are going to watch football on Sunday and you are coming with us damnit !!I'll bring you a Steeler jersey to wear.
MetalRose said:NO! I don't like football. what's the point of wearing Ice Skates and using sticks in it? Bah, I don't get it.