What's going on? to AMERICAN fans or ANYONE WHO KNOWS...


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
I'm concerned...just read the COBHC guestbook and it says a show had to be cancelled (or played without Bodom, just the other 3 bands...I dunno) cuz the Angry Bunny's ill...GET WELL SOON, BUNNY WILDCHILD...
they're bad by themselves.. much less together.. ouch. hope they all get better soon. it sucks to be sick.
i found this on the nevermore board:

I occasionally check the Megadeth forums over at their website and found this review for the cob/hyprocrisy/nevermore/dimmu show...

"What a disappointment of a show tonight.

First of all COB couldn't play because Alexi apparently tore some muscle in his chest. They really didn't tell the crowd to much about it other than that they wouldn't be playing this evening. It was unfortunate, I really wanted to see them play, but I hope that he gets better and they don't have to pull off the tour.

"Hyprocisy" was out next, after the club made us wait an hour of just standing there. I was unable to get into this band at all. They were pretty boring performers IMO.

Nevermore was next on the list. They were the main reason I went to this show. It was a very disappointing setlist overall. Warrel refused to sing into the microphone half of the time, so you couldn't hear a word. Most of the crowd seemed to have no idea who they were watching which was really sad to see.

I am not a fan of Dimmu really but I thought I should give him a shot. I really didn't like the first song, and I had to catch the bus so I just left. He is probably still playing right now."

My question is, what the hell could of happened with the band?

Here is the link if anyone wants proof : http://megadeth.metalusa.com/vb/sho...&threadid=12182

thread link:
thebigyetti said:
I am not a fan of Dimmu really but I thought I should give him a shot. I really didn't like the first song, and I had to catch the bus so I just left. He is probably still playing right now."

Hmm.. sorry, I thought that was pretty funny.
damn that sucks : ( .......... i really hope they get better before 15 dec....

yeah i've been hit pretty hard with the flu in the past week or 2 as well. At the 12 nov. show Alexi mentioned that he was "a bit sick right now but i gotta tell you, we're damn fucking happy to be here in Montréal".

Get well, Bodom buddies (bunnies hehehe)!!!!!!!!!
thebigyetti said:
First of all COB couldn't play because Alexi apparently tore some muscle in his chest.
What?? Again? Fuck, I really hope that it's nothing serious cause Alexi already had this kind of problems during the last Japan tour and COB had to cancel one show. I hope he's getting better soon.
WHAT THE FUCK????? They can't stand the cold??? they are finnish, it's always cold in the country LOLLLLLLLL...Anyway I saw them on november 12th but, FUCK I search for a ticket for the december 15th show for like 1 week and I had to go to some music shop fucking far from my home and now I'm not going to see COB??? DAMNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! I REALLY hope they get well soon! It sucks having the flu :S
Breeder Of Hate said:
WHAT THE FUCK????? They can't stand the cold??? they are finnish, it's always cold in the country LOLLLLLLLL...Anyway I saw them on november 12th but, FUCK I search for a ticket for the december 15th show for like 1 week and I had to go to some music shop fucking far from my home and now I'm not going to see COB??? DAMNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! I REALLY hope they get well soon! It sucks having the flu :S
They had the flu before the denver show, but denver, With the altidute, and thinner air, just made it 8902348934 times worse for them, alexi was outside of his bus, and he was like, "i gotta go back in or im gonna get even sicker." i was like yeah get better and kick ass the rest of the tour.
but there is an evil outbreak of the flu this year, its fuckin nuts. 8 Kids have died in CO alone!!! So watch out and get checked up, people, we dont want anyone to go dying on us now.

"Flu season's back again. Every year apparantley a guy gets on a boat in Furmosa who forgets to wipe himself and we get the flu. Whatever you do don't get a flu shot. Every year its scarier and scarier. Last year my doctor scared me into getting one. He said, "ya know what people are doing, they're shittin out their mouths." I dont like to brush that much, gimme a shot. A flu shot gives you a cold for 365 days, so you never have the flu, cause you always have a cold. I like a cold cause I get to do my favorite drug, which is Nyquil, I love that stuff. It's the moonshine of medicine. It's the only medicine that says "180 Proof." Nyquil comes in two colors: Red and Green. It's also the only thing on the planet that tastes like. . . .

Red and Green." - Lewis Black
I don't wanna see Alexi die on the flu.. ;_; It'll be tragic and shit.. ;_; Yes, I know I'm overreacting right now, but it does look bad with his "old" problem (muscle in the chest)
AND a flu, too...
I understand you, Yogota. I mean Alexi is a young guy and this is the first tour for COB in the USA and he knows how many people ever wanted to see them there. So I also fear that the flu he has must be really serious if he can't go on stage.
I'm really wondering what problem he has with his chest/ribs...
And then, when you have the flu you usually cough a lot etc, and then add pain in your ribs to that...omfg. That must really suck. Poor Allu, I so wish I could take care of him...
I know I'm nuts ;) but you "know" me so I hope you understand.....
As far as I remember, Alexander jumped on him once while being drunk in Korea or so, thats where he got the chest-rib-shit from o_O Zarok prolly knows the whole thing...