What's shredding


Oct 18, 2004
What does it mean when people say technichal wankery and shredding? Is there a difference between the two?
:lol: you always make threads like this. btw that was your 666th post.

there is hardly any difference. it means to play really really fast something complex and almost always without any purpose, emotion, or melodic progression besides "look how cool i am"
Shredding is what you do with a block of cheese before putting it on a pizza or other assorted food items.
shark22 said:
What does it mean when people say technichal wankery and shredding?

Steve Vai *spit* - he does a lot of shredding.
Ups and downs, rapidly. Technically... wanking!

So, do the math - yes, it's just about the same.

Is Vai a wanker? I didn't say so.
I just said he shreds a lot!
(And it's not at all groovy!)

Mikael's solos - no shredding in my opinion.
Just an abundance of grooviness!
Shredding is kittens. You don't... hate kittens, do you?

Only the most vile and obnoxious being on earth would hate kittens.

I don't want to hear all fucking grooves, I want some god damn wanking every once and a while!!!

Steve Vai is god's long lost son!!!


Kenneth R. said:
it means to play really really fast something complex and almost always without any purpose, emotion, or melodic progression besides "look how cool i am"

John 5 is considered a shredder, and i'd say that he has all of those. purpose is questionable though.

though maybe he can be considered more of a vrituoso?

those bluegrass songs are crazy though...
Necromantic-Hiko said:
John 5 is considered a shredder, and i'd say that he has all of those. purpose is questionable though.

though maybe he can be considered more of a vrituoso?

those bluegrass songs are crazy though...

John 5 can shred?! What the fuck has he been doing with Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie, then?!
John 5 is literally one of the best guitarists that ever lived... his phrasing is so fuckin unique and creative. Vai actually plays on his new album...as does Albert Lee...

it is a hybrid of metal, ambient, blues, country...fuckin crazy...

all of you (except Tubbs) make me laugh...
Stimuli said:
John 5 is literally one of the best guitarists that ever lived... his phrasing is so fuckin unique and creative. Vai actually plays on his new album...as does Albert Lee...

it is a hybrid of metal, ambient, blues, country...fuckin crazy...

all of you (except Tubbs) make me laugh...

I'll go download one of his songs, anything inparticular that you would recomend?
He has two albums...both are insane...nothing to recommend really, just get whatever you can...

some songs are country, some songs are metal...just see what you can find and keep trying if you dont find something you dig right away. This guy is all over the place...

Edit: To Tubbs - hate me all you want... I'm still gonna laugh at all the ignorance 'round here...
Shredding is impressive. But only technique. Shredding is for kids!

So if you are a kid and like Vai. Ok, enjoy.

But for us adults... give me real music that has depth!
Give me Opeth!
Okay, yeah, I apologize for sounding like an ass. You know, not many people do this on the forum anymore.

Okay, so I'll admit it. My joke sucked. I failed, and it doesn't matter.

After Samsara calling everyone an ungrateful fuck it made me think... maybe we are?

So from now on any post I make is going to be serious. I'm not going to joke around anymore. I think if everyone would quit their habits then maybe I wouldn't have to do this. But I am very tired of all this commotion that goes on at least 2-3 times a week.

Sorry, this is off-topic but I thought it was relevant to say. This isn't directed towards anyone, in case you want to know.

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist
By the way (Second double post I've ever made.) Just for sake of conversation, one of the guys over at the Symphony X forum told me to post this:

Ptah Knhemu said:
To whoever said John 5 is the greatest guitarist ever...

Pick up some Yngwie, Jason Becker, John Petrucci, Mike Romeo, and other great guitarists and tell me that John 5 is the greatest guitarist ever. Obviously, you lack in knowledge of guitar players.

From, the Lord of Atlantis, Ptah Khnemu.

- Don't complain to me, I'm simply the messenger.