What's shredding

Stimuli said:
Why would anyone compare train of thought to metallica....

I have no idea what combination of crack and motor oil would make someone hear a similarity between these bands nowadays...

Endless Sacrifice is the best song on Train of Thought
Sacrificed Sons is the best song on Octovarium
I walk Beside You is the worst song ever...

thats what i think anyway...
maybe because it came out just after St. Anger, because "As I Am" is clearly a Metallica styled song (Yeaaaaaaah!). If you're not on crack and motor oil you might hear the stylistic similarities. The band has even said so.

Sacrificed Sons :yuk:
I was on the Farmakon forum and Muzah was saying he was going to rape Nevershines guitar by shredding it to pieces.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I think I would know best about this since I've been a diabetic for the past 12 years and have drank nothing but diet drinks! I am completely aware of the fact that sugar replacers like Sweet & Low and Nutrasweet are also unhealthy, but they are by no means worse than sugar if you are a diabetic. I'd rather be blind than mentally retarded or paralyzed due to falling in a coma from a high blood sugar. :erk: Diet's the way to go in my situation. (Since I drink an unhealthy amount [6 to 10] sodas a day.)

And uhh... shredding is cool.

- okay then
actually the way to go in your situation is drink water instead of soda...
My mom has diabetes but she got it pretty late in her life and so did mygrandad...so I guess if I'm lucky I'll inherit my dad's high blood pressure...sorry for your diabetes...it's quite a bitch:erk:...
look on the bright side...you can still shred:rock:
paradoxile said:
actually the way to go in your situation is drink water instead of soda...
My mom has diabetes but she got it pretty late in her life and so did mygrandad...so I guess if I'm lucky I'll inherit my dad's high blood pressure...sorry for your diabetes...it's quite a bitch:erk:...
Yeah, I know. I think I'm addicted to soda. :erk:

There are so many people I know that also have it and it gets SO damn aggravating to deal with.

look on the bright side...you can still shred:rock:

:kickass: <-- me holding water

- Shredding is fun to do, because I can hahaha!
I don't understand. I was the impression that if you were diabetic you'd instantly drop all high-glucose foods, and move to Low-GI. I'm not diabetic but that's the way I've moved with my nutritional habbits ever since hitting the weights a year ago.

Soft drink was by far the easiest thing for me to drop. That shit is disgusting and the amount of sugar (or sugar-replacement chemicals) in it is grotesque.

Many people tend to get it when they are into adulthood. 'Adult-onset diabetes' comes from constantly bombarding your body with unnecessary amounts of sugar for years and having your organs become flooded with insulin to the point that they almost become resistant to its effects. Fuck that.

To relate this back to the thread... what did Shawn Lane die from? Heart-attack?
Well, actually I shouldn't drop high glucose foods because my blood sugar could also get too low... see, it goes on both sides. I have type 1 diabetes, which means it's hereditary. Type 2 is the one your thinking of.

I think Shawn Lane died of a lung problem. :(

- Yeah...