what's that in english


Master of Disaster
Jan 5, 2004
hello there...
can someone help me with some lyics of dimmu borgir...:yell:
the song is from stormblast, named anitkrist...i hope someone would do this fuckin' work :erk:

thanks a lot


Stig opp på min trone bleke lik

Fall på kne ærbødiget foran mine føtter
Ta imot mitt kalde kyss på din panne
Jeg har lagt veien som fører til Helvete klar

Løft deres sverd til kamp, stolte menn
La massakeren begynne i dag
Hogg hodet av hver kristen
og voldta deres kvinner og barn

Hvert kristenkors du finner skal du vende om
Hver en bygning som bærer guds navn skal brenne
Hver en kristenmanns grav skal vi skjende

Hver natt skal du våkne menneskedyr
og kjenne blodet som brenner dypt i deg
Hver natt skal du rave som en sanseløs i gaten
og utslette hvert et tegn du ser til liv

Hør min tale menneskedyr
Mine ord er din fremtid
Jeg er Satans legemlige gjørelse
Jeg er din herre

Jeg er ondskapen
Jeg er antikrist
Fall on your knees reverential before my feet.
Recieve my cold kiss on your forehead.
I have made the road to Hell clear.
Lift your swords to fight, proud men.
Let the massacre begin today.
Chop the head off every Christian,
and rape their women and children.

Every Christian cross you find, you shall invert.
Every building bearing God's name shall burn.
We shall desecrate every Christian's grave.

Every night you shall wake up human beasts,
and know the blood that burns deep within you.
Every night you shall stagger senselessly in the streets
and erase every reason you see of life.

Hear my story, human beasts.
my word is your future.
I am Satans corporeal incarnation.
I am your lord.

I am the wickedness
I am the Antichrist.

There you have it: Some rather silly lyrics.
Step on to my throne pale corpse
Fall to your knees in respect before my feet
Accept my cold kiss on your forehead
I've laid the path leading to hell

Lift your swords for battle,
proud men
Let the massacre begin today
Decapitate every Christian
And rape their women and children

Every Christian cross you find, you shall turn
Every building under God's name shall burn
Every Christian man's grave shall be desecrated

Every night you shall awaken human beast
And feel the blood burning like fire inside you
Every night you shall rave like a mad in the streets
And annihilate every sign of life

Hear my speech human beast
My words are your future
I am the embodiment of Satan
I am your master

I am evil
I am Antichrist

Why do people post their concerns about dimmu in the Borknagar board?!!
TravisW said:
It seems like a combination of Manowar and Satan.

Leave the hall!!!

That's what I've been thinking all these years! When someone ask me what Dimmu Borgir is or what kinda music they play, I tell 'em that they are the Manowar of extreme metal. Hail and Kill!