What's that one song you aspire to be able to play?

i just learned all of smoke and mirrors, not easy!!! but i would like to learn a couple bodom song (children of decadence, silent night bodom night) masquerade, of sins and shadows and i really want to learn how to play all of satch boogie!!
all of my double octave guitars in getting setups right now so im limited to my explorer which only has 22! so no shred for me until tommorow (im not looking forward to seeing the bill for 4 full setups)
goth_fiend said:
all of my double octave guitars in getting setups right now so im limited to my explorer which only has 22! so no shred for me until tommorow (im not looking forward to seeing the bill for 4 full setups)

Play the whole thing two frets down. I can play that solo, and that's how I do it on my strat (22 frets). This way, the highest note you use is a C# on the 21st fret, and you don't have to tune down to play along with the original recording, either.
Hi there, I'm new to the forum.

Id love to be able to play Smoke & Mirrors. Still fudging my way through the arpeggio intro and some of the solo runs. The rest of the song isn't a problem. That intro is my current litmus test. Once I can play that properly, I've reached a whole new level of playing.

And, purely to toot my own horn - I can play Vai's For the Love of God. I've even recorded it on my four track. Want to do it again though now I have my computer recording setup.

being a bassist, YYZ by Rush is what I really want to be able to master. Damn Geddy Lee...other then that, mainly just Rush and Symphony X songs would be really nice to play at any given time :worship:
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
Kane, if you're having trouble learning the Dance of eternity on drums, check out Portnoy's DVD or video called Liquid Drum Theater. He plays that whole song, and it gives a real nice view of what he's playing. It didnt take me long at all after watching it to learn the whole song. if you need tabs, (not actual drum tabs, but notes on a bass clef assigned to each drum/cymbal), let me know and i'll be glad to help you out. it might also depend on the size of your set. im using an 8 piece, and thats prolly more than it takes. he's using some rare techniques in there as well. its a great drum track. Im actually trying to learn every symphony x song. haha, no seriously, it'll take a while, but its worth it. i know a few, and bits and pieces of a lot, but i just want to see if its possible to know them all...
thnx for the info jason,great video btw
Well, I've always aspired to play a lot of Jason Becker and Symphony X stuff, but I'm getting to the point where that's pretty possible, with the time. I'd much rather play my own stuff though.
what? my name's not Jason. Infact, i dont know anyone with the name Jason. just Rullo, but i dont know him that well, met him at his jersey clinic and he's awesome, but im no Jason. No Jason anyone. unless u meant something different by that and i just made myself look really stupid for not getting it...
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
what? my name's not Jason. Infact, i dont know anyone with the name Jason. just Rullo, but i dont know him that well, met him at his jersey clinic and he's awesome, but im no Jason. No Jason anyone. unless u meant something different by that and i just made myself look really stupid for not getting it...

um, I think he got confused with your Sig...
As a bassist, The Odyssey. However, I already have 80% of the song down (the Sirens part is REALLY fast and gives me trouble, as do a few other tiny sections).
MorphineChild205 said:
As a bassist, The Odyssey. However, I already have 80% of the song down (the Sirens part is REALLY fast and gives me trouble, as do a few other tiny sections).
:loco: Need any help with those? I could tab something out. *I'm addicted in tabbing...*
arrrrrgggggg damn sweeps on the intro to smoke and mirrors, still having a bit of trouble getting them up to speed! then i got to learn how the hell to do romeo's tapping style!

and on a note, you bass guys should learn how to play some billy sheenan/stuart hamm stuff(those guys are the s^*%)
From Dream Theater it is The Dance Of Eternity.

And from Symphony X I want to learn the solos on Smoke and Mirrors, incredible stuff there.