It's time for another Ultimate Poll. Now we come to Bruce Dickinson last album with Maiden in the last century.
You have 15 days to decide your vote.
Your comments are welcome as usual
COMING SOON: the best song from A REAL LIVE ONE album poll.
Originally posted by bassbitch
The title track is just epic! If I had to pick a second, it would be "Judas Be My Guide".
For the longest time I disliked this album in general and never really listened to it. Then, a few years ago, i picked it up again. There's some kewl schtuff, the last Maiden record before they jumped into the Blaze Bayley abyss ("fallinnnnnnn doowwwnnnnn....")
Interesting that "Afraid to Shoot Strangers" is leading the vote (everything else has only one or zero votes so far but ATSS is up to two!). That was always my least favorite song of the album, and i'm curious to hear what makes the tune rock others' world? What am I missing?
Originally posted by bassbitch
The title track is just epic! If I had to pick a second, it would be "Judas Be My Guide".