What's the best thing you've ever done

I think it's a shame that race has been attached to certain subcultures. "Thugs", shall we call them, are from all ethnic backgrounds, and of course sag their jeans, wear over-sized sports jerseys and use "ebonics". I can't stand these idiots, regardless of color. What's more, I feel even more outcast because I am poor and so are most of these fucks. I fit in pretty well with upper-middle class folks (what we unfortunately call "white" in America), simply because I have a reasonably good grasp of proper English and am able to grasp semi-complex political and social concepts. However, the upper-middle class isn't as Lilly white as the status quo would have you believe. For example, last night I partied with several upper-middle classed Mexican-Americans, and had a lot in common with them. The only other group I hate as much as the "thugs" are the snobby, pretentious, and aloof affluent assholes who zip around in their Hummers and BMW's with their anorexic trophy women from golf course to vineyard, glaring at the rest of the world with arrogance and contempt.
The only other group I hate as much as the "thugs" are the snobby, pretentious, and aloof affluent assholes who zip around in their Hummers and BMW's with their anorexic trophy women from golf course to vineyard, glaring at the rest of the world with arrogance and contempt.

The word affluent may not even be right. Many of those people make good money but are still over their head in debt.