What's the last CD you listened to?

Woooooow , I need that album so bad. It has been 3 years since I last listened to it :zombie:
lizard said:
30 years later, that's a pretty bad album cover.

is that a motorcycle helmet, and is he wearing blue speedos??

its not the original cover (I think)
the original was a gatefold with a drawing of a guy with a sword in red on black
i think vertigo sold the rights to all the sabs stuff to nems for a bit and they just changed it

or I could be wrong but there was defo a version with a better sleeve

unhinged said:
its not the original cover (I think)
the original was a gatefold with a drawing of a guy with a sword in red on black
i think vertigo sold the rights to all the sabs stuff to nems for a bit and they just changed it

i vaguely remember reading something about this once, but i have no idea where

i'd love to see this original cover some day, just for the hell of it
unhinged said:
its not the original cover (I think)
the original was a gatefold with a drawing of a guy with a sword in red on black
i think vertigo sold the rights to all the sabs stuff to nems for a bit and they just changed it

or I could be wrong but there was defo a version with a better sleeve
i read somewhere they had a different idea for the cover involving a soldier or something (i think, related to "war pigs") and the record company forced them to change it at the last minute due to sensitivity about vietnam, hence the now-(in)famous weird sword guy. correct me if i'm wrong...
Blood In Our Fucking Wells!

Now Playing: Drudkh - "Blood In Our Wells" - Furrows Of Gods [01:57/08:57]
2nd Time through tonight:rock: :rock: :rock: