What's the last CD you listened to?

Ellestin said:
No, I would say 200 people at most.
I'd say 300-400 people here. Impressive show, very intense. I would've liked it even better though if it had been seated. Didn't like the venue too much, the bar was located pretty much directly next to the stage, so you could hear the rattling of glasses and squeaking of doors all throughout the show. :bah: The audience, as expected, consisted mainly of scruffy hippies with too much/ unkempt hair and underweight students in cord pants (or a combination of both species). :D

Canada oh canada i ain't ever been your kin
Overfed and easily led and twisting in the wind
Your senators all in diapers and stinking of gin...

Great encore.

NADatar said:
so I'll probably catch them in San Fran, Seattle, or Vancouver depending on the days
If there's a show in Vancouver, we should definitely all go together. Trylakos, start hitch-hiking now!

np: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - f# a# oo
man i've had "venice queen", last track on By The Way stuck viciously in my head for a couple days now...it's a really damn good song

we all want to tell her...tell her that we looooove heeerrr :rock:

edit: heheh went from that to suffo, "effigy of the forgotten" the song rules my face so hard


I'm starting to love these dudes more and more each day. They really have the lock on making a completely interesting album that doesn't ever get tiring: lots of quiet breaks in the sonic assault to not wear on the nerves and eardrums, an abundance of great absolutely crushing riffs, and very little repetition thanks in part to the short track lengths (I would say song, but these are definite start-to-finish album affairs).

It's like late-80's grindcore all grown up. :kickass:
gah i want to listen to that but i can't cuz i'm at work (got headphones but this laptop has no sound card :erk: :erk:), every time i want to listen to somebody's samples i say "oh i'll just hear it when i get home" but then when i do i'm like "uhhhh just spent all day on the computer...no" :tickled: