What's the last CD you listened to?




:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
spaffe said:
Well hello, nice to see you've made your way back; and back to metal as well?

Aye, I've found my way back into some metal. Definitely not into black metal as much though, but that has more to do with my faith than with the music (of course with what I was doing/listening to the music and the faith were one, so perhaps it is the music too?). Other than metal I've been listening to quite a bit of Mahler and Brahms. Any good metal albums that I've missed in the past year or so (haven't paid attention at all)? Cheers.
Ok, I wont dig further into that, but it's nice to see you've found your way back

As for good albums, it has been a long time since I found an album that I really liked, I belive the last one was Arghoslent's both albums; check them out if you haven't already.
Incorrigle Bigotry? I actually still have that, it and Weltmacht's most recent CD are the only "extreme metal" albums I still own (Unless you count my Scream Bloody Gore LP).