IOfTheStorm said:I havent, but the cover rules. Reminds me of Lordian Guard. Its the band where Damien King sings eh? But i think you are exaggerating where you say that its better than old Warlod. I mean.. i havent heard the album..but few heavy metal bands can be better than old Warlord. I will listen to it a.s.a.p. of course.
:Smug:Dev said:Sólstafir - Masterpiece of Bitterness .
I remember the thread where NAD asked for something totally "knew" . Be it Metal or not .. well this is Metal and this KICKS ASS. Erik 1002930489348 threads were indeed true ..
soooooooo insights and thoughts, lucky girl. :Spin:snow2fall said:after that moving on to Tenhi - Maaäet
spikes77 said:soooooooo insights and thoughts, lucky girl. :Spin:
spikes77 said:Werkraum - kristalle: good mcd for you neo folkers out there.