What's the last CD you listened to?

Doomcifer said:

:worship: :worship: :worship:

:kickass: (esp. Crystal Logic)
^ I agree. Not to mention, my neck is sore after each listen.


:worship: This album just clicked with me last night after a concentrated listen. What a fucking grandiose, epic metal masterpiece this is flying under the radar. Absolutely stunning imho. It's better than old Warlord. The acoustics are CLASS. Now I need to get absorbed in the story of it all. I am certain I will be listening to this nonstop for the next few months on end. :kickass: IofTheStorm, have you heard this yet? I imagine that you would swoon over it as well.
I havent, but the cover rules. Reminds me of Lordian Guard. Its the band where Damien King sings eh? But i think you are exaggerating where you say that its better than old Warlod. I mean.. i havent heard the album..but few heavy metal bands can be better than old Warlord. I will listen to it a.s.a.p. of course.
IOfTheStorm said:
I havent, but the cover rules. Reminds me of Lordian Guard. Its the band where Damien King sings eh? But i think you are exaggerating where you say that its better than old Warlod. I mean.. i havent heard the album..but few heavy metal bands can be better than old Warlord. I will listen to it a.s.a.p. of course.

Yep, it's Damien King up front. I know what you mean, and I tend to get "caught in the moment." :loco: BUT, it is seriously THAT good. I would say it is nearly as great, and only time will tell if it stand up face-to-face with old Warlord. It's in the same vein as old Warlord and Lordian Guard anyways. Amazingly inspired melodies, beautiful acoustics, they even incorporate a choir and some baritones by Paolo Drigo here and there. I can only imagine what repeated listens and following along with the lyrics/story will bring me to with this album. I'm pretty excited after finally giving it the time after owning the CD for a little over a month.
Dev said:
Sólstafir - Masterpiece of Bitterness .

I remember the thread where NAD asked for something totally "knew" . Be it Metal or not .. well this is Metal and this KICKS ASS. Erik 1002930489348 threads were indeed true .. :worship::worship::worship::worship::worship:
Looking for europe disc 2, 3 : That Gae Bolg song makes me want to march around my room in triumphed victory :Shedevil::Shedevil:

snow2fall said:
after that moving on to Tenhi - Maaäet
soooooooo insights and thoughts, lucky girl. :Spin: