What's the last CD you listened to?


Golden Dawn - The Art of Dreaming
oh man I hadn't listened to this in... years probably. Brilliant shit, too bad the follow-up is so gay.

watched some special on the Wounded Knee occupation of 1973 and made me think of this album (there's a song called Wounded Knee). and, well, it fucking rules.
Erik said:
how is it compared to uh... mundo de fries... or whatever its called

Well... "El Mundo Frio" is 1 track, 71' while this one is 3 tracks, 39', so you get the idea. Otherwise they're pretty much twins. More dynamics maybe, due to the shorter song structures - well, actually the first song is more like a eighteen-minute long vaporous dirge (breathtaking).

Anyway, this band is pretty much mandatory as far as me's concerned, next stop the 1999 double-album "Llenandose De Gusanos".
Doomcifer said:
Will do! You lucky bastard seeing RB !!!!!!!!

Dude, Agent Steel is MUCH better than this dreck. Seriously, I don't know what the earlier Sacred Steel albums are like (the one I have is the 3rd), but the guy's voice ruins all ability to enjoy the album. Musically? Like 8.5/10, once he starts singing the album drops to a 6/10, and I'm being kind.

I dig Agent Steel though. At least that guy's balls-in-a-vise vocals are in tune and fit the songs.