What's the last CD you listened to?

once I was NAD said:
ASKDFJL@ @$ $@ *KJ sa FDj

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That's my visual interpretation. :tickled:

how about me laughing my ass off while I email songs to germany witht he result of: :tickled:

:kickass: I so need to order this, goddamn it.

and like.. how many power metal albums do i own? one? i just bought my first maiden and priest at the end of '05. but this one i've been listening to on mp3 for years and loving it!
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclise
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning
Leviathan - The Tentacles of Whorror
Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased
Needed to numb myself up. it's been a rough morning.

Our Lady Peace - Clumbsy
Rudra - Bahmavidya: Primordial I
Conspicuously Absent said:
Our Lady Peace - Clumbsy

Great band! I only have their 3rd,4rd and 5th albums but i need to get Clumsy and Naveed pretty damn bad! good thing they're cheap everywhere.

This band SO jumped the shark on "Gravity" but GODDAMN could they write some good catchy songs back in the day.

Also, "Spiritual Machines" is their masterpiece, best album by far and it totally rules. [/Eh?]
^ what be that?

Conspicuously Absent said:
yes. I have all their albums except the newest one.

don't bother! well, i didn't like what I heard. sounds like they're trying SO hard to sound relevant, tossing in all Raine's political and humanist shit that I frankly don't care about. the songs are far more cluttered than the ones on Gravity (still some good songs on there i guess), and they just completely fail to do anything for me.