What's the next album.......

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
You absolutely can't wait for and expect to kick you flat on your ass, coveting itself a spot in your regular playlist for years to come?? The last album to do that for me was Cosmic Genesis. Maybe Blackwater Park, but it needs more time before I can comment on that.

But for me, I think the new Otyg album is going to be one of the biggest surprises and highlights in metal's recent years. Considering how great Sagovindars Boning was, and now Vintersorg states the new Otyg material is even more progressive-influenced.....oooohhhhh......Can't wait!!!!:loco:
I have to disagree with Emperor's next (and last) album. IX Equilibrium just didn't have that "feeling" of Nightside Eclipse & Anthems... This had led to me not anticipating the new one as much as I would have expected, it'll still be interesting to hear though.

For me, I'm looking forward to when Opeth tour the UK because I don't think there really is an album I'm really excited about waiting to hear at the moment. Although, the new Darkthrone one might be the one when it gets a little closer to September!
actually, emperor is overrated. First time I heard them was a live track "thus spake the nightspirit". It sounded excellent live, then I decided to get the album, and it was pure shit. No cohesion or "feeling" as you call it, just a bunch of riffs thrown together with a shitty production and vocals.
Although, I heard a song from the new album, and I can say its the best thing the've ever done.

Lets face it there are too few bands pushing metal forward enough these days
Have you heard the sample of the new Emperor CD on the Candleight website? I don't know if it's just that the MP3 has been recorded too loud so that it's distorted, but it sounds like a mess to me.

I was hugely disappointed with the last album, especially so considering my personal history with the band. The soul and the majesty of the band seemed to have gone, replaced by cold precision and aimless brutality. But then I'm not a fan of that Myrkskog / Zyklon style, and I really have tried to get into it. Each to their own I guess, but I can't see the appeal.

I'm looking forward to a new Summoning, definitely. That band have evolved into something awesome. Black Label Soc, Thine (hopefully they won't go to the appalling Academy Studios this time..), Meshuggah, Spiral Architect, plus loads more. So many I can't remember any others :)
I think the production gives the earlier Emperor albums that "feel" in a weird kind of way. I couldn't imagine Nightside Eclipse with a Equilibrium production. The same goes for Anthems...

Your right though Lee, the soul and the majesty of the band seemed to have gone and it has been replaced by cold precision and aimless brutality. I've been trying to find a way to describe the "new" Emperor for ages now and you've summed it up perfectly!
Next opeth more than anything.
Next The sins of thy beloved
If Forest if shadows ever mane an album I'll be excited over that too
Blind Guardian - why is the new album taking so long? how long has it been , 3 years?

I almost forgot Mayhem! I was never interested in them until Grand Declaration. Excellent album. Don't think much of the lyrics though.

Maybe i'm looking at emperor the wrong way then, because thats exactly what appealed to me about the live "nightspirit"
its extreme precision. Thats what made it beautiful for me. Wish I could say the same for the rest of their songs...
Supposedly Dimension Zero will be recording a full length soon. For those who don't know, they are comprised of members from various Swedish bands including In Flames. Also, I heard from Metal Maniacs that Jon from Dissection has been allowed to have recording equipment in jail. Dissection returns...
Well on the subject of Emperor.
They are not overrated, they deserve every praise they get.
Not every black metal band managed to mix jazz/blues influences and raw metal together. Thinking about it, no one ever did that.
Samoth is an underrated guitarist. The production on Anthems made him look like hes your typical bm guitar player, but he's not. Ive seen Emperor tabs far more complicated and complex then alot of other so called 'elite black metal' bands. He is one of the best of the scene today. Some might not like his style, but i do.
And yeah, Anthems could have been better produced, but would it have still managed to make it a classic like it is today? Hmm. Sure, the keyboards are all over the place and the mixing is bad at some times, but that whats makes this album unique. In some ways.

I was hugely disappointed with the last album, especially so considering my personal history with the band. The soul and the majesty of the band seemed to have gone, replaced by cold precision and aimless brutality.

Hmmmm, what do you expect man? Almost every bm band today are going toward that style. I know i would not. Maybe they are ruining the whole bm of when they were good in 1994. Then again, maybe it's for the better.

I almost forgot Mayhem! I was never interested in them until Grand Declaration. Excellent album.

Exactly like me. I think AGDOW is a great piece of music. But dammit get that guitar player out of the band. Only Hellhammer and Maniac do a great job.
I'm kind of anxious to see what's Amorphis going to do next...I really hope that they will go back to playing metal like they did in the early days...
Than, of course, there's Opeth.
Also I'm anxious to see what Iron Maiden does in their new album, if they decide to release one...I know it will be a while since Brave New World just came out last year. I would really want them to do something a bit different cause I'm kind of bored with their standard stuff.