What's the next album.......

Originally posted by godisanathiest
Hey, Graveless Soul, or infact ne1 that knows, when are they coming to England??

I'm assuming you mean Emperor?

Obviously you havn't heard? The new Emperor album will be the last and then their gonna split up :(

Which also means no more touring :mad:
I am waiting for...

Terria by Devin Townsend. It's finished already but damn I can't find it anywhere yet.

Next Blind Guardian.

The re-release of Quo Vadis's demo with their video for Dysgenics.

OMG about Dissection...you are not kidding I hope!!! FUCHYEAH!!!

lol look at me I'm like a schoolgirl waiting to get in a backstreet boys show!
Mikael's upcoming sideproject is a big one... I look forward to that. I also have yet to get Terria, so that's definately up there (it's out now, eh?) plus we're expecting new efforts from Anathema and Dream Theater soon, although I think it'll be tough for both of them to top their previous records... The new Emperor I have some hopes for, but we'll have to see on that one... Dan Swano's new solo album (tentatively titled "Another Reality"), plus the upcoming Borknagar with Vintersorg in place.

And that's what I can think of for now...
At the moment I'd say the one I'm most looking forward to hearing is Arcturus' upcoming album.

I've never very eagerly waited for the new Opeth album, and usually when I buy the new one it's been out for half a year or so... and every time I've bought a new Opeth album I've been kind of disappointed at first and it has slowly grown on me.