Whats the point in asking who people think is the best singer in metal?

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New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2009
What is the point in asking this in a metal forum?

um......... Peoples opinions
Its probably the best place to ask such a question, or should i of asked it on www.beardeddragon.org

silly me puting this question in with other metal related topics :rolleyes::headbang:

imagine that mr Orian Crystal Ice!!!!!!!!!!! :OMG:
Oh See Eye

I like it!

F**K Oh See Eye, man!

He certainly does FAIL!!


its what I say to middle of the road Top 40 fans who dismiss metal as "pointless noise"

besides, I said "probably", not "definitely". not all music with clean vocals suck, just most of it.
Whats the point in having the most aggressive type of music if your gonna sing all la dee da over the top of it

and there is such a thing as a good metal singer

I dont see why anyone on this forum could argue that point
what is that crap I keep hearing on the radio where it's like 'sure shot shibby shibby HA HA HA HA HAAAAA' and then there's a refrain where it sounds like some guy from Oasis randomly showed up and started moaning about something. Can somebody please tell me who that is so I can boycott that band.
dumbest song in the history of metal

iron butterfly - de va whatever the fuck it is you know which one

opps wrong thread

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida owns your ass. You just don't realise this because your small mind is not able to encompass such a magnitude of ownage. You cannot see the shackles to which you are bound, and thus are forever doomed to languish in your inferior reality where you are perpetually a slave to your ignorance.
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