What's the worst movie you've never seen?


Aug 30, 2001
You know, that one movie (or more) which you just know would be a waste of two hours or more of your life that you'll never get back. Quite a few come to mind, but right now I'll stick to :

Prince Caspian comes to mind, too.
Haven't seen that.
Can't say the same for the first movie.
We were all piss drunk and went to see it.
Maybe it IS epic, I don't know. I've never seen it. It's just at this point in my life, I'm not really worried about seeing it. I actually sort of enjoy being the odd man out in this one :)
I hope for your sake you hate it, because if you like it, you're going to kick yourself really hard for not watching it earlier. You should set a record and try to live your entire life without ever seeing it.

So, in essence, all of our Star Wars references and anecdotes must mean absolutely nothing to you, right? Interesting...

It's quite strange because you're 30, aren't you? Our generation grew up and worshiped that movie...it's fascinating to me that you have never seen it.
I understand it has a cult following and it was ground-breaking at the time, but all things considered I believe the popularity of the Star Wars series has been bolstered to an unreasonable amount. My age aside, I think the story line is a cliche with fantasy/action elements to it. I think the special effects and actions scenes are charming :D (I like watching Star Wars for nostalgia, but some people follow it religiously :lol:)
It's been in decline in the last decade or so due to the sheer amount of awesomeness in special effects these days. Most people who watch it at this point in time for the first time would probably feel a bit like, "What's the big deal?"

Similarly, I have the same reaction towards Dad rock. Jimi Hendrix and The Doors...big fucking deal. I just don't get it, but I wasn't alive during that time...a time I'm sure was groundbreaking for music.