whats up with all the asshole emo's callin themselves Metal?

i mean, i type in Metal on youtube, and this is what comes up:

YouTube - METAL

YouTube - METAL!

YouTube - METAL!

and this is just stupid, EMO'S makin fun of METALHEADS

YouTube - metal manhood

so yea, the wolrd is pretty much fucked up.

666chamet (22 hours ago)
hahaha emo's makin fun of metalheads?
go cut yoursleves you motherfuckers. stupid bitches

that's you right my dear chimp :lol:?

well, all those people are just ignorants, or dont like metal. I don't really care about them lol. I won't get angry cuz they like shitty music :lol:
that's you right my dear chimp :lol:?

well, all those people are just ignorants, or dont like metal. I don't really care about them lol. I won't get angry cuz they like shitty music :lol:

hehe yea thats me XD

the last video - they should get ass raped so bad haha fuck idiots peace of shit

ahh man i love that vid lol, so funny, i laugh everytime i watch it
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^omg what an awful band, and thet vid was disgunting...i think they are trying to hard to be like cannibl corpse :p (just like trivium trying to be metallica)