whats up with all the asshole emo's callin themselves Metal?

Someone tell the bitch in the second video to pick a goddamn hair color, and mullets are NOT in anymore... and NEVER will be.

The 14 year olds in metal man hood need to grow up. The maturity level is obviously present.

there is the answer...hey need to grow up.
and those who said that i was offended, you're wrong, i was curious...
Stormlord is great. Their older stuff is better though.
That video, I only got through about halfway before I got bored of it.

That pig-squealing "brutal" band video was queer. As was the music.
We don't need JFAC clones. The original is bad enough.

Shit like that just goes to show that metal COMPLETELY about feeling, and not what's heavy or what's cool to listen to currently or style or any of that shit.
Technically those guys are heavy as shit but for all the wrong reasons.
I hate how "it could be good" metal is a huge trend, currently.
^i don't know where did they originally come from but i blame U.S. too.
it seems like to many reach kids that have no brain and no opinion die from boredom and their stupidity prevail
shit cant see it gotta log in
im gonna trying to post it on the thread see if it works ( by the way its rocksane video)

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