Whats up with all the locked threads lately :S?

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New Metal Member
Aug 23, 2006
Texas, United States
Hey I don't come on here much but whats up with all the locked threads lately? I've been looking through the threads and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them, just everyone being nice (errr most of the time haha) and talking bout METAL! Errr but yea just wondering.
didnt understand why the kerry king / slayer thread was locked. it annoyed me because i couldnt post my joy in relation to Carc's comment re: the casio keyboard brigade (or whatever he said).

otherwise they have been justly locked for being shit threads that were going nowehere.
where can i get a carton of beer? and are there photos of missing drunks on the side?

yeah, i agree that alot of the threads are shit threads, but i'm a shit poster, so they're kind of up my alley. :)
Hey I don't come on here much but whats up with all the locked threads lately? I've been looking through the threads and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them, just everyone being nice (errr most of the time haha) and talking bout METAL! Errr but yea just wondering.

Because Iron Chef Sakai makes too many threads.
I think actually that too many threads are being locked because there has already been a similar thread. Message boards, like conversations, are circular. I don't mind re-discussing things - weak threads will die, strong threads will survive. Darwinian forum theory, if you will.

Personally, I think that just because someone posted a similar thread six months ago, doesn't mean a new thread should be locked. Is anyone really going to look through 1000 posts of an old thread to see the old discussion ?

Premature locking causes stagnancy.

@Byrne: thanks mate, I knew you'd dig the KK thread entry humour :lol:
Especially not with the horrible search function that this forum has. It doesn't even seem to accept quotes as a means of searching for sentence fragments rather than individual words (atleast it didn't last time I attempted this) so half the time you end up with a zillion completely irrelevant search results.

As for this particular thread, I think a more accurate question would be "What is up with all the shit threads lately?" I don't understand why so many people think it's a good idea to start a thread that cannot conceivably in a million years result in any kind of interesting discussion. There should be a timer on the submit button where you have to think about whether this thread really is a good idea for a whole minute before you can submit it. I mean, there shouldn't be, but this forum desperately needs one.
You know if you people wouldn't be so dman negative and look and try to look at this place with a positive attitude. There would be no more shit threads! and the pricks might even go away, might.
You know if you people wouldn't be so dman negative and look and try to look at this place with a positive attitude. There would be no more shit threads! and the pricks might even go away, might.

You're one of the fucking problems. :lol:
You know if you people wouldn't be so dman negative and look and try to look at this place with a positive attitude. There would be no more shit threads! and the pricks might even go away, might.

Don't get me wrong; by and large, I think V5 does a fine job. I just think that the atmosphere could be a little less...erm...opressive if there was a little more leeway given to closing threads just because someone had an identical one 6 months ago. It really isn't surprising that new visitors to the board will retread threads that the older posters have seen before. The best way to deal with that (imo) is just to allow the threads to re-populate and germinate.
You're one of the fucking problems. :lol:

how so? I actually find myself to be very entertaining and crazy! My personality is so detailed! Im also very sexy, and enjoy moonlight strolls along the beach. And the occassional martini on the rocks. If you seem interested just pm me, I'll get back to you.
Don't get me wrong; by and large, I think V5 does a fine job. I just think that the atmosphere could be a little less...erm...opressive if there was a little more leeway given to closing threads just because someone had an identical one 6 months ago. It really isn't surprising that new visitors to the board will retread threads that the older posters have seen before. The best way to deal with that (imo) is just to allow the threads to re-populate and germinate.

Can't the mod/s merge threads, like on other forums? that would solve the problem of recapping old subject matter.
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