Whats up with all the locked threads lately :S?

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They get locked to accurately portray real life. Like when you're hanging out with a friend and carrying on a conversation, and then some random asshole walks up out of nowhere and says "The subject matter of your discussion sucks, so I'm terminating it." And it always works somehow.
I think actually that too many threads are being locked because there has already been a similar thread. Message boards, like conversations, are circular. I don't mind re-discussing things - weak threads will die, strong threads will survive. Darwinian forum theory, if you will.

Personally, I think that just because someone posted a similar thread six months ago, doesn't mean a new thread should be locked. Is anyone really going to look through 1000 posts of an old thread to see the old discussion ?

Premature locking causes stagnancy.

@Byrne: thanks mate, I knew you'd dig the KK thread entry humour :lol:

+1 ... a man of reason & maturity something lacking in this forum...
agreed.wtf is with all of these locked threads?like they are perfectly good discussions, like the one on Blackened Death metal, and it got shut down. lol well w.e, but V.V.V.V.V. shuld just merge threads if there repeated, thast a good idea.
Well, don't paint me as a V5 hater - far from it. For one, I welcome the move away from endless flaming, but I think we could reach a happy medium. At the moment, I think the closures are a trifle excessive.
Hey I don't come on here much but whats up with all the locked threads lately? I've been looking through the threads and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them, just everyone being nice (errr most of the time haha) and talking bout METAL! Errr but yea just wondering.


this is why
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