What's up with signalsaudio.com?


Sep 17, 2012
Moscow, Russia
What's with the new "design" and the lack of pictures and samples? I thought it was a temporary stub, but it's been a while since the website lookes like this.
I bought Zombass 3 DI yesterday. The download link was simpler and way faster than the site with the other design when I downloaded Zombass 2. The download only gave me an error once and took about 10 min to download the 1 gb file in the second try, unlike last year that took me like 23 tries and 4 hours to finish the download with no errors. Their software are on a sale, unfortunately they no longer sell the presets.
Actually I've just bought their impulses (which are really good by the way) and got my order with no problems. But still, I'd just like to point that whoever is working on the website now, should get the audio samples up and at least fix the contacts page.