What's with all the "Cores"?

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Jul 11, 2008
Metalcore, deathcore, mathcore, and a dozen other core bands out there. What the hell does the "core" connotate? I'm just curious, because if all these are separate genres (which I know there are, and I'm not debating that), but since all of them have this "core" in common, there must be some sort of distinguishing sound that links all of them together, right? Keeping all the non-core genres of metal is complex enough, and now all these "core" genres are thrown in.

Oh, and I guess I could Google it, but I would like to get an explanation from some true metal heads, which I why I'm asking here.
Isn't it just the usage of hardcore punk influences? I don't really know though, I don't listen to ___core stuff.
Yeah, I went on a Wikipedia spree and figured it all out. Seems like any "core" just implies it is something that has "hardcore punk influences," whatever the hell that means.
Man, you're clueless. Just do some research...you really don't have to ask us everything, you know.

The -core labeling nowadays tends to just be a goofy trend.
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