What's wrong with By the pain I see in others?

I don't know what you people are talking about. I have never noticed anything wrong composition wise with this song. I think it kicks ass. The atmosphere is just incredible. In fact I like it way more than Master's Apprentices.
I love that song, One of my favorites on 'Deliverance'.

I don't agree with the bad composition, I like the entire song, has some amazing moments in it from start to end.

It's so evil!
I think it is the most aggressive song on the record... which is probably why I like it so much.
The entire Deliverence album rules, though.
Deliverance remains my favourite album thusfar, maybe just because of the dark vibe, don't know. How anyone can not get goosebumps when listening to A Fair Judgement, or feel all eary as if watching an old ghost movie when listening to the entire album, is beyond me :rock:

Yes, yes and yes!

By the pain is one of my faves on that album. Though I don't know much about composition its 'disjointedness' makes me like it all the more. But maybe its personal as it does reflect a certain mood I'm in sometimes. I think that the reversed MA chorus helps with the eerieness as Black Session mentioned.
Thank you all for your replies. It did helped me to understand your opinion but I don't seriously get it why some of you don't like it because of the end...
Come on if you don't like that part, just fast forward it... that's what I always do because I think the song finishes at 9:24 and the rest is just an easter egg. anyways peace!

Mikael Akerfeltd answered my post ! How cool!!!!
I love "By the pain I see in others" and the whole album over all. Deliverance has the best drumming of all 8 albums (so far), well both Deliverance and Damnation do ... The albums are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde and you can appreciate Deliverance more when you know it was recorded at the same time as Damnation. Both are dark in a way but a different darkness I guess.
BTPISIO has awesome moments. I love the whole creepy circus part and the vocals are evil, I cycle in to work and that song is always an excellent choice to pedal harder!
Saying that, personal experiences have a particular way of painting events in their own colour so I get Mikael not liking it.

I agree with a previous poster, I think Deliverance sounds sooo evil - more than their other albums. I do wish that Master's Apprentices would return to the the opening riff sometime later in the song. I'm all for progressive music with very little repetition, but when you have a riff that good that changes everything.

The guitar solo in A Fair Judgement is so beautiful it's almost painful.

BTPISIO is a great song too, probably my least favorite but that's like saying the missionary position is my least favorite......:)
In fact I like it way more than Master's Apprentices.
I absolutely love the circus bit that starts at 5:04.
Pretty much what Black Session said; it has amazing parts but overall it's a little disjointed.
And about the ending, (...) It's not a part of the song, just an extra something for...

When I first listened to the Deliverance album my favourite tracks immediately where the Deliverance track itself, then MA and then AFJ, so exactly the songs that also come on the Lamentations DVD. I had problems enjoying BTPISIO similar to annt and BlackSession. I found it disjointed, the parts where relatively short, didn't really fit together. Also, in my ears the circus part sounded misplaced. :ill:

Now, after a while, Deliverance is still my fave track, but Master's Apprentice has lost a bit of its magic while I begin to like BTPISIO better. MA just dwells a bit too much on the - otherwise great - opening riff (disagreeing with Carl Hungus here ;) ) and I think the acoustic part is just a little to simplistic. Whereas I just seem to get into the mood of BTPISIO. Dunno, after a few listens it just starts to grow, it starts to make sense. I think it can be regarded as having two big parts where each part alternates between somehow related heavy and soft sections. The second part contains the circus section. (Perhaps I should do a song structure analysis to deepen the insight :).) I have even started to like especially the circus part. :kickass:

What I still don't like is the strange kind of growl Mikael uses. It sounds like gurgling, like his mouth is full of bubbles ... or like he drank too much booze before recording it. :hypno: And I always skip the "hidden" part, a) because I can't be bothered waiting two and a half minutes for it and b) because I just don't like it that much. Other than that, I really like the song nowadays. :rock:
I think the intention with that vocal effect was to make it sound as if the character is under water... So I quess they succeeded there. I'm personally crazy about the vocal effect. IMO it makes the vocals sound so magnificently evil and twisted. I am however glad they didn't overuse it.
It has good moments but there's no proper structure. Just like Orchid or Morningrise.

I kind of can't agree with that, because the song has certain parts and riffs (rise to submission!), which appear several times and overall the song sounds pretty coherent to me. The fact that it even has two verses in the beginning makes it very different from most stuff on the first two albums I guess...
Love the circus bit!

I love By the Pain I See in Others, it sounds like Opeth had a mental breakdown. I love the part that sounds like a fairground waltz, and the fast acoustic playing. And the opening riff wins very very hard.
The end is great though the rest of the song sucks. I only wished they'd gone a bit longer with the ambient idea. Or left the album without the entire track.
I always saw/heard the last bit as a seperated hidden track, so for me they don't necessarily belong together and also it's a part off MA, so it surely wasn't meant to blend together with the actual BTPISIO track in a musical way...

The end is great though the rest of the song sucks. I only wished they'd gone a bit longer with the ambient idea. Or left the album without the entire track.
Although I'm a big fan of ambient stuff if it's done properly, me thinks that it's a crucial song on Deliverance that deserves to end that heavy album!
I love By the pain I see in others. The "Outside in the park the days move along" section is one of my favorite Opeth moments ever. I can agree that the structure could use some more work etc. It'd be very interesting if they changed it to Mikaels liking and played it live in a way he would be happy with. But that's kinda hard when the memories of the recording is hanging over the song like a black cloud.