By The Pain I See In Others?


Lt. Horatio Caine
Jun 20, 2003
Does anyone know why the band has yet to play this track live? I personally think it is full of crushing riffs and would be a blast live. Underrated song for sure, in my opinion.
I think Mike said somewhere that it'd be near impossible to pull off, but he'd like to try it someday.

Somewhere on the forum, me thinks.

And it is an awesome song.
Definetely the most underrated/not-talked about Opeth song imo. Not sure why they don't play it. But I do have one question about the song; what is Mikael saying at the end? It sounds like its played backwards or something.
mayhcaek said:
Definetely the most underrated/not-talked about Opeth song imo. Not sure why they don't play it. .

It's been talked about here plenty of times. You just haven't been here long enough. :)

mayhcaek said:
But I do have one question about the song; what is Mikael saying at the end? It sounds like its played backwards or something.

Old question. Check the FAQ. :)
well right now BTPISIO is listed as mikes least favorite track in the bio, so fat chance of seeing it live for a long time if its anything like TNATSW or ever for that matter since it would be so hard to pull off apparently
mayhcaek said:
Definetely the most underrated/not-talked about Opeth song imo. Not sure why they don't play it. But I do have one question about the song; what is Mikael saying at the end? It sounds like its played backwards or something.
its the mellow part of masters apprentice backwards
btpisio has some really cool parts but a pretty weak song overall. i wonder what it would have sounded like without all the shit the went through recording d1.
dishcloth said:
It's been talked about here plenty of times. You just haven't been here long enough. :)

Old question. Check the FAQ. :)

Heh as I expected.

<--forum n00b, no stranger to Opeth though :D.
it rules, but since mikael and the band hate it, its unlikely to get played. HOWEVER who knows what will happen in a few years time? Mikael used to hate Under the Weeping Moon and now the more he plays it the more he likes it so who knows.
neilyoungfan said:
well right now BTPISIO is listed as mikes least favorite track in the bio, so fat chance of seeing it live for a long time if its anything like TNATSW or ever for that matter since it would be so hard to pull off apparently

Pethical said:
it rules, but since mikael and the band hate it, its unlikely to get played. HOWEVER who knows what will happen in a few years time? Mikael used to hate Under the Weeping Moon and now the more he plays it the more he likes it so who knows.
and I thought UTWM is one of Mike's favourites... ?

but BTPISIO is easily the worst song off Deliverance (not that it sucks, but all the rest is better :D ) and I wouldn't like it being played live before they start playing Wreath :lol:
BTPISIO has been one of my favourite tracks for a while now, despite it taking me a long time to fully enjoy. The last few minutes of random rumbling then the MA verse backwards kinda spoils it I think, if it had just ended where it was it would have a better following seeing as most people argue they dont like it because of the 'stupid backwards stuff'. If they'd done that they should have opened the album with it too imo.
I think the part at 1:20 is awesome, and the way Mike sings 'Changes' in the waltz is awesome. Overall great vocals growl & clean. (Rise to submission)

Anyways I always say exactly the same every time this thread comes around, and I've seen it quite a few times in the 6 months i've been here so maybe the search function would have been a better idea.