Whats your 10 Bands?

-[chop]- said:
LoL thats your answer? why are you here flaming? why are you flaming others lists? answer the fucking questions or are you to retarded to understand?

Why dont you go back to "kinddigaden"

it was my answer because I got sick of you because you are such a hypocrite..
You do just as much if not more flaming than me, and if I recall correctly, you went as far as private messaging me dumb little gay porno vids... so who needs to go back to kinddigaden again??:Smug:

The only time I flame is when the person is asking for it, lots of people have been saying other peoples lists are shit on this thread, not just me, but I don't see you hitting them up about it.. So Fuck off and get a clue please, kthx
Benighted1 said:
The only time I flame is when the person is asking for it, lots of people have been saying other peoples lists are shit on this thread, not just me, but I don't see you hitting them up about it.. So Fuck off and get a clue please, kthx
