What's your favorite musical genre?

Vote for your 3 favorite genres in the list below

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Not really, If you saw my cd collection i listen to everything. Depends on my mood. Ill give anything a listen once.Metal that is. I dont like alternative rock though. Ewww.
By the way, what is "military ambient"? It sounds violent and yet calming at the same time.

Off the top of my head, stuff like Cold Fusion, Ghosts of Breslau, Rukkanor, Stahlwerk 9, Les Joyaux de la Princesse... Perhaps Rasthof Dachau also and A.R.S., but that's also crossing over into harsh electronics territory also,

It's basically ambient composed around militaristic themes, or around historical events.

Stahlwerk 9 has an album '1905' based on the 1905 Russian Revolution, and did a split with Cold Fusion and Rukkanor on the Civil War of the first Triumvirate with Julius Caesar... Les Joyaux de la Princesse has done a number of works based around the events in the military history of France, Rasthof Dachau recently published an album called 'Prison Poems' which the lyrics from were in part lifted from poems that were written by an IRA volunteer who died in prison, and the poems hidden inside a pen hidden inside his body.

you know... stuff like that.


oh yeah, and I forgot perhaps the most obvious example of all of this, which is Der Blutharsch's first 3-4 albums or so.
post-hardcore, assuming this is Neur-Isis, Pelican, etc. i didnt know where Swans and Jesu would be classified, so lets just assume they are in this category
I went for metalcore (assuming that includes bands like Converge, Keelhaul, Botch, Swarm of the Lotus, etc) but if post-hardcore means Isis and Neurosis rather than stuff like Fugazi then I should have picked that over post-rock.
i hear people calling everything post hardcore. thursday, pelican, these arms are snakes, fugazi...

nobody knows really what the fuck it is so i don't know if it really means anything. wikipedia says it's stuff like fugazi. oh well!!!!

anyways i voted for stoner metal because it's SO COOL
One of my votes was for Black Metal just because I assume this includes all things pagan, heathen, viking, and foresty

This post alerted me to a sin of omission in this poll, the absence of viking metal. I've sometimes seen the term "post-metal" applied to bands like Isis, which is still problematic but at least distinguishes from bands that are closer to generic -core. And judging by the drunk threads and photos, anything sufficiently metal can be beer metal. :)