Whats your Favorite scale


Black Devil
Dec 12, 2005
:wave: whats your favorite scale used and why?

Mines is the harmonic minor and the penta
I like to use the harmonic minor because of how melodic it sounds and I like the penta because of its fluidity.
harmonic minor, harmonic major, melodic minor and natural minor (i like to write sad classical music so...).
double harmonic is nice aswell for that eastern feel.
the diminished scales are really nice too for the evil stuff eheh
Yea but i like the process of just thinking something totatally original in my head up, not using anybody elses.

Natural Minor, nice and simple... and the occasional Natural Major..

Fav Key? F# Minor or C# Major
if you don't write your music in a special ladder but try to do it just "from the heart" you will end up in a ladder anyway because some notes just sound harmonic with other ones - provided that your hearing is good and you are not used to tvelve-tone-music ;)
Zygote said:
Yea but i like the process of just thinking something totatally original in my head up, not using anybody elses.

but even if you dont know you are always using scales, everything relates to some scale.be it diatonic or chromatic. so your argument is kinda stupid.
I have a fetish for the Phrygian scales. I can't help it. I love it. No matter what you do with it, it works for you.
Im going to have to say the chinese scale. it has some good stretches in it but it sounds absolutely beutifle if played right. second would be dorian. harmonic minor is ok i just get tired of it. diminished is pretty cool
Vital Remains said:
Byzantine? ive heard of that.........

I didn't learn the name til later. I was given this assignment to numerically build a scale that fit a certain little powerchord progression by taking the chord tones and then subjectively filling in the gaps with whatever I wanted, and then writing little fills, solos, or whatever.

At any rate, I "reinvented" byzantine minor.

1, b2, 3, 4, 5, b6, 7

The next logical step would be harmonizing and building other chords, but we never did that. I really should, one of these days. But really, I use it to spice up regular minors or anything with a lot of tonal space or ambiguity and to do something true to the scale might ruin it for me.