Whats your top 5 albums so far this year?

Black Lagoon

Apr 24, 2001
Cornwall, England
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I'll go for.

1. Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
2. Blaze - As Live as it Gets
3. Masterplan - Masterplan
4. Anthrax - We've come for you All
5. Seven Witches - Passage to the other Side

bound to have forgotten a few though!
This is my 5 Top most liked/Most listened to top 5 (at the moment) list:

1 Iron Maiden - Dance of Death
2 Saxon - Killing Ground
3 Saxon - Innocence is no Excuse :guh: (I know, but it has some amazing riffs, solos and singing!)
4 Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed Part 2
5 At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
I can't make these kind of lists anymore. I just can't find 5 albums a year nowadays.

Being a heavy rocker of the '70s and '80s...Am I getting old?
Does it matter what genre the music?

Black Lagoon said:
I'll go for.

1. Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
2. Blaze - As Live as it Gets
3. Masterplan - Masterplan
4. Anthrax - We've come for you All
5. Seven Witches - Passage to the other Side

bound to have forgotten a few though!
O.K>. they did'nt year come out this year but heres the best of what I brought.
1 King Prawn Got The Thirst
2 Black Heart Procession 2
3 Nick Cave Noctorama
4 One Dog Clapping . pasteurised the milk of human kindness
5 The Datasuns
I can't really put them in order, but:

Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy
Black Label SOciety - The Blessed Hellride
Anthrax - We've Come For You All
Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
GRAVE DIGGER - Rheingold

The new Devin Townsend Band "Accelerated Evolution" is pretty darn cool, too.