whats your way of picking up girls?


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2002
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How do you meet girls? And who else agrees that the most revolutionary way is to approach any girl that you find attractive, anywhere,anytime.I'm working on making huge advancments in my dating life.
ok. Lets make it on topic. My usual pickup line is the initial vocal onslaught from 'When'

"Ahhhhhhhhhwwwwaaahhh!.....Red sun rising......!!!'

that normally works :)
I look straight into their eyes when speaking to them, I never lose eye contact, I am confident, I know what I want to say/talk about. I make them laugh, compliment them through body language, then proceed to ask for their number as a friend. After all that, I see if there is any chemistry, if I detect any, I go for it...
Originally posted by Cutter
ok. Lets make it on topic. My usual pickup line is the initial vocal onslaught from 'When'

"Ahhhhhhhhhwwwwaaahhh!.....Red sun rising......!!!'

that normally works :)


That WORKS!!!?? :eek: OMG...I'm trying that!!!:)
'IT WAS ALL TRUE!!!!!!!' yup, that gets all the chicks....

nah, seriously, I don't pick up much BUT... I normally just make alot of eye contact and be overly nice at first I guess... just come off as some shy dude, and some girls fall for that so yeah... all good.
My pick up lines:

"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?" :lol:

"Hey, bitch, make me a warm cup of...."

"You know girl, this thing isn't about to blow itself" *pointing at my croutch*
ahahahahahahah, I will never... ever forget a moment on the train... I ran into the ugliest looking thing I'd seen in my life, and after it left the train a guy near my and my friends said 'did you'se see that girl mate.. aww it looks like she fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch' :lol: :lol: :lol: ahahahahahahahahahah, it still sticks in my head till this day....
Originally posted by darkjanus
How do you meet girls? And who else agrees that the most revolutionary way is to approach any girl that you find attractive, anywhere,anytime.I'm working on making huge advancments in my dating life.

I just play Opeth cds and pull my penis out. Works every time.
"Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"

Neh, be yourself, as they'll ultimately discover your real side someday.
Interesting question, however being married for over 21 years (to the same woman), I can only say...it will happen when you least exect it to, meeting the right lady, that is.