when bands dont pay

if they were young enough that "calling their parents" was even an option... well, then you asked for it. kids just don't learn responsibility these days. i wouldn't loan a fiver to anyone under 21.... and very few people over 21 for that matter.

Speaking of which...

DO NOT CONTRACT WITH MINORS! Seriously, find someone over 18 to sign the contract. I'm pretty sure it's not even legal to contract with a minor without a parental co signer. :)

Dealing with parents is a bitch, plus I have recorded some high school drop outs (meaning I don't think the parents give a fuck about him anymore).
Fuck that he did work. Payment in full is due bitches.

i understand that...but on the other end, they don't really receive their service until payment is made. if the band has the money and intends to get their demo, they'll cough up the cash...if they don't want the demo, i don't know that it'd be worth all the effort to receive such a sum of money

and you're right that a minor can't be party to ANY sort of legally binding contract...
This reminds me of when I let my "friend's" band borrow my JCM 900. It got stolen. They promised to pay me back, never did. I called parents and everything, still didn't get my 500$.

I have a band of friends that used to rehearse in the guitarrist's bedroom, and one day the room caught on fire. with two peavey valvekings, a quality double-bass drum, an ibanez Rg, various effects pedals and cables. The peaveys were miraculously recovered and still work perfectly but with molten and deformed pots (super metal look!!), all the rest died. The guitarrist is still buying the drums back to this day (this was a year and a half ago)
This reminds me of when I let my "friend's" band borrow my JCM 900. It got stolen. They promised to pay me back, never did. I called parents and everything, still didn't get my 500$.

aww.. That's awful, definately because you do something for other people and get a bad experience, those things suck hard! I really look out with such things, I don't even let anyone play (not anymore) on my guitars since accidents can always happen. I'd rather throw a guitar on the ground myself then let anyone put a little scratch on it. Also when I was in a band, some bands ask if they can use your gear, never did that for anyone and I don't regret that.

On topic: in your case, you could perhaps just go to the cops and let them talk with those persons. They'll be shocked and chance that they pay'll be much bigger I think. But I'm not sure a cop would do that, since it's more something for a court.