When did you get into bm?

Around the same age, but never cared too much for the genre....
23 or 24. I was more so into heavy/thrash/melodeath. I'm still not a huge fan of most straight raw BM- but atmospheric bm and blackened folk are great.
Was 15 or 16 and bought The Century Black Firestarter compilation for $4 and got hooked to about half the bands.

1. Thus Spake The Nightspirit - Emperor
2. Soul Possessed - Old Man's Child
3. Forhekset - Satyricon
4. The Dawn Of The End - Borknagar
5. Murder - Katatonia
6. Wintry Grey - Arcturus
7. After A Releasing Death/Castle Of No Repair (Part II) - Ophthalamia
8. Naar Hammerem Heves - Einherjer
9. Coronation Of The Serpent - Rotting Christ
10. Black Destiny - Sacramentum
11. Hymn 1 - Ulver
12. Black Trip - Samael
13. Necrolust - Mayhem
14. Ancient Entity - Tiamat
15. Nectar - Opeth
15. Dimmu Borgir was my first band.

Yeah I listened to Dimmu Borgir when I was a kid too. I remember when Death Cult Armaggedon was released so I had to be less that 13. The first death metal band I knew was Vader when Revelation came out so I had to be 12. At that age I also listened to Nile, Amon Amarth, Cradle of Filth or Nuclear Assault. I still have some burned cds from that time here somewhere.

EDIT: I still like some Nile and Morbid Reich / The Ultimate Incantation era Vader from time to time.

EDIT2: My taste has changed a bit since then. I remember thinking classical music was boring for instance. Mother was listening to some Brahms and I thought it was dead bullshit. :lol:
I first listened to some DSBM when I was around 11. I found Xasthur and Abyssic Hate, and I thought it was fucking insane. I didn't become my favorite genre until a couple years later. (Black Metal as a whole, not DSBM)
I began appreciating Mayhem I guess a few years ago. Most of the rest can still suck a fuck.