Why I can't get into Black Metal

Is Unanimated 'in the forest of the dreaming dead' black metal ?. If there is other black metal bands like this(assuming it's BM) i'd probably be able to get into the 'genre'.

I was listening to that cd last night.


You rarely see anyone talk about that album. It's classic in a hell awaits,seven churches way, to me anyways.
Oh well.

I'm not saying it sounds like either. I'm just saying it's classic in a similiar sense. That it should be regarded as 'classic' like say those two albums, probably more.

Maybe that makes no sense or is a dumb comment!
The Greys said:
Is Unanimated 'in the forest of the dreaming dead' black metal ?. If there is other black metal bands like this(assuming it's BM) i'd probably be able to get into the 'genre'.

I was listening to that cd last night.


You rarely see anyone talk about that album. It's classic in a hell awaits,seven churches way, to me anyways.
Unanimated were awesome. I guess you could call them blackened death metal, but they were definitey not black metal. If you like that CD, check out Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence. You may also like the band Sacramentum.
1. I *love* Black Metal

2. Lo-fi production on BM (mostly the first wave) = anti-punk of sorts, plus lashing out against the Death Metal trends at the time.
That's how I feel about it anyway.

3. And no one here has mentioned Negura Bunget! Awesome Black Metal from Transylvania!

4. Who could possibly imagine "Eld" with good production? Come on, it would lose all of it's atmospherics. Same goes for "Bergtatt".